Slave revolt

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Imperial colony of formen
"Mine the iron ore,you worthless slaves if you don't meet today quota you will not be given food!"A mine owner formenus shouted as he whip the slaves most of them are from alnus hill and dalmus hill.

"I am not scared of you,my nation will come after me and liberate us."Barron a fallout american slave said.

"How dare you question your master!I will whip you 20 times to show those what happens to those who question me! Guards tie him up."Formenus shouted

The guards then tie up Barron,the mine owner then proceed to whip Barron 20 times, formenus expect Barron to break under the pain but Barron did not break.

Frustration begin to crept into Formenus mind.

"What nation are you from? Normally this amount of whips will have broken one spirit!"The mine owner formenus shouted


The mine owner formenus frustrated at the will of this slave from fallout america kick him in the face before leaving.

"You need to stop doing that,you are only making things worst for yourself." Yuka said

"What do you mean?are you content with this life? Turned to a slave, mining for days on end and beaten?"Barron said

"Of course not,we must wait,I am sure that our nation will rescue us."Yuka said

"Are you serious?by the time rescue come,we would be dead or carded away to the far reaches of the continent."Barron said

"What is up with you americans always being so defiant,you need to stay calm and wait for help."Yuka said

"My nation is born in a rebellion, when George Washington fought against the crown that is installing unfavourable policies on the colonialist,did the founding fathers wait for help?No they fought with blood, tears to get freedom and liberty.Remember freedom and liberty is not given,it is fought through blood and tears."Barron said

Barron then walked away from Yuka and further inwards into the mine,when he soon broke down a rock and reveal a stash of swords he and the other fallout american slaves had stolen from the armory from the colony.

He then begin to hand out swords to other fallout american slaves and some demi humans who wanted out of this accused life as a slave as they had nothing left to lose.

Suddenly loud screams can be heard throughout the camp,Yuka went out of the mine to see what is going on and she see shocks her, a superbeing with a slivery sword moving around killing people with ease

"Apostle of Ral,what are you doing?"a imperial guard said before he is sliced in half by the apostle sword.

"Your kingdom has earned divine wrath of the gods saderan,your nation time is over."The apostle of Ral said

The imperial guard then died due to blood loss after hearing those words.

Yuka then immediately hurried into the mines and begin to tell what happened to the slaves in the mine.

The slaves then immediately begin to charge out of the cave and kill the guards stationed at the entrance of the cave with ease.

Reinforcement never came as the rest of the guards is dealing with a apostle going on a rampage throughout the imperial colony.

"Brothers and sisters,we may be from different worlds, but from where I came from,slavery is forbidden and everyone is given equal rights also in my nation there is something called the constitution and the first amendment is the freedom of speech where you can freely voice your opinions without fear of being prosecuted and killed.Now will you help me overthrow the Saderan empire especially the demi humans?"Barron said

The demi humans then think of it,this otherworlder name Barron said that there is something called the constitution and something about the freedom of speech,the thought is great in their minds and after a few minutes of thinking they accepted to help to overthrow this imperial colony.

Fallout american slaves soon lead the charge to kill the Saderan soldiers.Some of the fallout american slaves died but most of them survived as they had combat experience as they have 3 years of killing mutants in the wasteland with some of the time using melee weapons to kill the mutants.

"This reminds of my first kill of a deathclaw where I killed it with a sledgehammer."Barron said as he drive his sword into a imperial guard face.

"Huh,this reminds me of my first ghoul kill where I killed it with a pickaxe to the brain."Van another fallout american slave said as he drive his pickaxe into a saderan soldier eye killing the soldier instantly.

The japanese slaves soon catch up to the fallout american slaves.

"Americans,how did you have the skill to win a melee fight with a imperial soldier?"Yuka asked

"I have lived 3 years in a nuclear wasteland filled with monsters,so learning how to fight is required if you want to live."Barron replied

Barron then ran to the next guard and kill it without effort.

"For freedom and liberty!"Van shouted

"For Freedom and Liberty!"Fallout american slaves shouted.

Japanese slaves soon joined the rebellion but due to the japanese slaves having no combat experience they resorted to throwing rocks at the enemy troops.

Barron ducked a sword coming from an imperial soldier, Barron soon saw an opening and plunged his sword into the neck of the imperial soldier killing him instantly blood splatter to his face.

Soon other slaves in other parts of the colony soon rebelled against their former masters inspired by fallout american slaves.

Limbs and body parts begin to fly in every direction as they saw the apostle of Ral running around swinging her slivery sword at the imperial soldiers cutting them down like cheese.Many imperial soldier tried to surrender to the apostle but she spared none of them cutting them to tiny pieces.

"Otherworldly of dalmus hill and alnus hill,so you are staging a rebellion right? thought I may lend a hand,I am also interested in bringing this rotten empire to the ground as they have defied the gods."Apostle of Ral said

"Of course,I want to overthrow this colony."Barron said

"Very well,we shall storm formenus house together as we tear him limb from limb."Apostle of Ral said

Mine owner and slave owner formenus hid in his lavish house as he saw the the apostle of Ral and slaves bashing on his the giant wooden doors of his house.The apostle of Ral came and swung her sword down with a speed no human can achieve,the door fell open.

The apostle of Ral move in and proceed to cut the imperial guards down.

Formenus can hear the footsteps of fallout american slaves getting close and closer to his hiding spot.
Fallout american slaves soon reached the hiding place of formenus, formenus saw the hatred and vengeance of fallout american slaves in their eyes formenus thought for a second he saw Palapon himself, formenus quickly think of a plan to save himself but failed spectacularly.

"Guys,let's talk about this,no need to go crazy and beat me to death I can give you money,you named it,here"formenus said as he threw gold coins at the fallout american slaves hoping to calm the fallout american slaves down.

"Sorry,roman cosplayer, I only speak democracy!"Barron shouted

Barron then along with several fallout american slaves than proceed to beat formenus to the ground in his own home.Formenus was chained, struck down by swords,axes and maces, Formenus face was beaten to a pulp,his skull deformed,eyes were taken out.

In a fit of revenge fallout american slaves then impaled formenus onto a spear and shot his corpse with arrows after that his body is paraded throughout the former imperial colony.

"Such rage and lust for vengeance."The apostle of Palapon said nearby looking down on the rebellion taking place.

Fallout belongs to
Betheasda softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

Gate gods reference

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