exploring the wasteland

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General William Wales and Pina sat down in a room to begin talks of peace,Mr handy came in and prepared several cups of warm water,Pina said"is this "irradiated"?
Wales replied"No,I have sanitized it no need to posion you."
Pina said"is the "great war" so devastating to you,are you really the last of your government?" Wales replied"well,before the bombs fell the america president is nowhere to be found rumors has it he join a secret government organization called the enclave and retreated to an oil rig,I have sent troops to look for this oil rig but none has been successful,but I hope they are alive considering they are the last of the us government."
Pina said"The great war must be devastating if you don't even know that your nation leader is alive."
Wales replied"well, it's better than anarchy there the motivation to keep on going, now let's not dwell in the past and start talks of peace."
"Sir,but along the way I see some metal floating octopus what is that?" Wales replied"oh that is Sargent gusty he is part of the us army that shoot lasers very useful in dealing with crowded enemy,we also have sentry bots that shoots heavy weapons at the enemy"
Pina nodded as she desperately want peace as she could not imagine legions up legions of Sargent gusty and sentry bots assaulting the capital.

"Hey have you heard of the rumors of the commonwealth institute of technology according to the rumor when the bombs fell the residents of the commonwealth institute of technology retreated underground to hide from the radiation?" James said,
Andrew said"stop believing in conspiracy theories like general William Wales he sent us on a merry goose chase to look for an oil rig that house the president of the united states and other high ranking officials,in the end we found nothing most likely they are dead." James said nothing.

Itami said"where are we going?"
James said"we are taking all of you as close to the glowing sea so press team can flim the glowing sea first hand to get international help,there will more mutants there so keep your guns ready."when they reached the outskirts of the glowing sea gieger counter can be seen ticking, Andrew said"due to the radiation here we don't post any human soldier here, instead we use robots such as Sargent gusty, sentry bots, assaulttron and protectron."The visitors of the wasteland soon reach a base call delta 1 to their surprise it's staffed with robots,when the team reached the base a robot name Sargent gusty said"Is this red Chinese forces in the presence of the US military?." Andrew said"stand down,gusty they are allies."
Gusty responded"let me give you the fact that 73% of Chinese infiltrators deny to be infiltrators,I got my eye on you." As gusty floated away.

Press team then begin to flim the glowing sea in all it's glory.Trevor said"as you can this is the glowing sea according to sources a large nuke hit a nuclear reactor thus creating the glowing sea."

Comments section
"Oh my god!"
"Chernobyl x1000"
"Wait is that mutants running towards you"

"Deathclaws! Lots of them coming out of the glowing sea ready your weapons." Andrew shouted as he ready his weapon,the sentry bots sprung up into action shooting is heavy weapons, Sargent gusty shot it's plasma and flamethrower and said"ready to die for your country." Due to the superior weapons carried by the robots of the us army killed the deathclaws with CNN recording the whole thing on camera.

"Wow,that is so cool"
"Fallout america has robots in it's army,the saderan empire is so screwed."
"I want a Sargent gusty."
"It's like a video game."
"Wonder what happened to Russia"

"As you can see the deathclaw were killed by the robots of the us army, please tune in to us after the break to get more on fallout america as always this is Trevor from CNN signing out goodbye." The video feed cut off

Rory and lelei were shocked at the devastation of the great war to see it from a video but to see it in real time is another thing entirely,skies choked with radioactive ash, abominations roamed the remnants of a dead world. Rory said"what desperation made this world go to such extremes." James said"America held the last reserve of oil left in the world,we discovered fusion technology to cope with the resources crisis the Chinese demanded that we share our tech,but my leader refused,not going down without a fight a desperate china invade Anchorage Alaska to get the last reserve of oil on the planet,for the next 11 years america and Chinese forces clash until china launch the nukes as it is on the brink of defeat as us troops is on the outskirts of Beijing." Rory said"why did your nation did not share your tech."
Lelei responded"Rory look at it this, this way your rival and most hated rival is dying and you discovered a way to ease your suffering so you just need to wait until your enemy is dead you don't give technology to your enemy which allow them to get on your level." James said"that's the gist of it,welcome to politics." Rory was shocked unable to speak.

"Well,let's go back to a safe zone don't want all of you to get cancer or something."Andrew said,the rose knights is shocked beyond belief at what this world gone through,war a war that sent the collapse of civilization all over the globe.Bozes and Hamilton are scared as they ask"will you drop a nuke on us "
Andrew said"if the situation requires it then we will drop it." Rory know that the empire can be sometimes a prick,but she felt that the empire don't really deserve the power of a star unleashed over them.

Back at the negotiation table
Pina said"look I know we just attacked your base with a million men but it is not the empire fault,my brother went behind my father back to mobilize the army,I beg you please spare us,you have already killed so much of our men that the people of sadera has began calling you demons of the underworld." William Wales replied"ok,but I would want to meet with your father but if plan anything funny like framing us for some murder you will regret crossing me it's it clear." Pina nodded she can only hope her brother don't try anything stupid.

It is agreed that the leaders of Japan and fallout america will be going to sadera to discuss the terms of peace.

Fallout belongs to
Betheasda softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

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