Hollywood and games part 2

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"This is clark from IGN,there is many new spinoffs games about fallout earth,as the newest game will be taking place in the Soviet union as the Soviet union did not collapse in fallout earth.This game will be made by 4A games,the title is called Moscow 2077 the synopsis of the game is"The destruction of the great war of 2077 is total no nation was spared even those not hit directly collapsed due to radiation storms.The Soviet union was not spared of nuclear hellfire raining down on her cities.But hope still lives in the Moscow metro systems but a new breed of mutants threatened to destroy it all.Play as a member of the order to prevent the destruction of your home the metro."-IGN

comments section
"Fallout in Russia?"
"For the motherland!"
"I ready to serve the Soviet union."
"So basically we are fighting in a radioactive nuclear winter."
A reply wrote"No,it worst comrade this is not a ordinary nuclear winter this is a radioactive nuclear Russian winter."
"Comrade grab your Kalashnikov we got some mutants to kill."
"A good idea of a new setting

Warner bros twitted a image of the German flag, hungrian flag and the Soviet union flag stained with blood.With a quote saying "when the European nations turn on one another to fight for the last drops of oil left in the world.Germany and hungrian forces soon begin approaching poland,Soviet Union troops immediately poured into Poland to ensure no German and hungrian forces will touch the soil of mother Russia."Coming soon in theaters.

The reaction is filled with jokes about Poland being the playground of empires while many find it ironic that Germany becomes a fascist state again.

Comments section
"Germany vs mother Russia round 2"
"Poland becomes the playground of Germany and the Soviet union again"
"Why is Poland always being at the short end of the stick even in alternate timelines?does god hate Poland or something?"
"Poland:why do I always becomes a puppet state even in alternate timelines?"
"Wonder what the poles think of their counterpart fate in fallout earth?"
"Germany becoming a fascist state again?"
A reply wrote"hey,third time the charm right?"

"This is Clark from IGN,Dice has just recently announced a fallout game set in France, it is set during the European civil wars where french troops tries to hold back the German army from invading their home,the game is expected to be released in the year 2022.The name of the game is called Fallout Paris."-IGN

Comments section
"This is unrealistic IGN,the french did not surrender to the Germans
A reply wrote"stop with the france surrendering jokes do you know France won most the the battles it fought in."
"Wonder what a retro futuristic version of France looks like,hope they do it justice."
"Wonder what the french think of their fallout counterpart?"
"So we are getting a game version of the movie?"

National geographic soon posted a teaser trailer for a new documentary called wildlife of the waste.The synopsis says"Due to the nuclear war most the wildlife on earth is changed to horrifying monstrosities,there is not only deathclaws and mirelurks there is also Radscorpion,horned kangaroo, brahmin and many others join us as we have been granted rare access to document the wildlife of a post apocalyptic earth."

The comments section is soon filled with various reactions.

Comments section
"Can you imagine the mutants of Australia?"
"My guess is that the emus of Australia gain sentience and enslaved the remaining human population through a war."
A reply wrote"So Australia is basically planet of the apes but instead of apes it is planet of the emus?"
Another reply wrote"yes."

Activision on Twitter soon released a statement on its Twitter account saying"Fallout freedom will be getting a new mode called commie zombies where you will be killing zombified PLA troops."

Comments section
"Will this mode include power armor and custom appearance? As I want my character in a t-51b power armor with a American flag as cape while mowing down the communist zombies with a laser gatling gun."
A reply wrote"now I want to a power armor cosplay."
"Killing commie zombies shut up and take my money!"
"I am throwing money on my phone screen it is not working."
"Americans rejoice we are going to kill commies!"

"Amazon has announced it will be making a tv show about fallout earth according to the reports the show will be about the liberation of Anchorage Alaska from the Chinese forces,many people are hyped especially the people of Alaska."-IGN

Comments section
"A tv show about the liberation of Anchorage Alaska sign me up!"
"I hope they will be doing this justice."
"Won't the budget need to be very big as you need to add in the laser weaponry and other sci Fi weapons fallout america has in her arsenal."
"I will be wrapping myself in a american flag while watching this show."
A reply wrote"Patriot spotted"
"Someone type in the national anthem of america."

"This is Clark from IGN,HBO has announced that they will be making a fallout tv series called "Fallout Eagle Wings" the synopsis of the shows says"During the sino american war.Fallout america enacted the draft policy to combat the numerical advantage the PLA has.Due to this policy, 5 American brothers is drafted into the fallout USAF where they will train to pilot some of the most advanced jets in fallout america history the legendary F108 rapier.This show will focus on the journey of the 5 American brothers from training to being thrown at the PLAAF by their commanders to ensure that fallout america has clear dominance of the skies to how they deal with losses and last but not least losing their innocence in war."

Many people is immediately excited by this as they are excited about which is basically a band of brothers tv series but this time is with sci Fi jets

Comments section
"So a fallout band of brothers?"
"The synopsis is pretty good I have high hopes don't let us down HBO!"
"HBO I trust you not to ruin this show."
"As a USAF vet I am very interested in this show hope you don't mess it up."
"A show with sci Fi jets fighting in which is basically World war 3? Shut up and take my money!"

Fallout belongs to
Betheasda softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

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