Will MAD be a thing of the past?

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Gate earth Pentagon
"So this is Mr house, american business man?"president dirrel enquired, president Daniel said"Yes,this is Mr house before the war he spent huge amount of money on anti-icbm technology he managed to disable 68 out of the 77 warheads targeted at Vegas."

Dirrel is shocked at this revelation it seems that fallout america has an endless supply of surprises installed for him,when he thought he has uncovered all he know about fallout america, a new surprise soon reveal itself.

Mr house upon hearing of the gate opening to a fantasy world and a world where the great war did not happen became interested and requested fallout america president to arrange a meeting with the leader of gate earth america president to discuss business deals.When asked how he will do that house answered he will broadcast himself to a computer to talk to gate earth america.Gate earth america requested the meeting to be private,house agreed.

"I am Robert house the founder of rob co industries during the great war I managed to prevent 68 out of the 77 nuclear warhead from striking Vegas thus minimizing casualties."House spoke.

Dirrel is shocked at this revelation,this means more than 80% of the warhead will be disabled before striking the area this technology either will be mankind salvation or it will be mankind destruction as this will undoubtedly make many military generals think of using nuclear weapons in battle.Will nuclear weapons now be conventional? So many ideas will be turned upside down.

Dirrel said"Mr house you do know what political earthquake this will cause right"

House replied"Yes,I would not want this world to suffer from nuclear war, Having been through once seeing the icbm flying to towards you by the dozens.By the way if I have received the platinum chip before the war I would have been able to prevent all 77 warheads from striking Vegas."

Dirrel is speechless this means that this technology has a interception rate of a 100%.This technology can be start a war as no doubt that Russia and china will want it, tensions will increase even further than it is.China is now even more aggressive in it's south china sea land reclamation by building artificial islands throughout the sea.The UN is calling out on china expansionist policy but china is not listening to the UN.China defended these claims by saying it belong to china since ancient times and to prevent America from invading them also accusing fallout america of racism for not sharing technology with china.

General Abraham rushed in the briefing room saying"Excuse me sir pardon the intrusion but you must hear this Chinese warships has been harassing american warships near the waters on Anchorage Alaska."

Dirrel said"Warn the Chinese warships that they are in American waters and to leave immediately,if refuse please make those ships go away but force is out of the question I don't want to start world war 3 also to calm america fears and to show china we are strong I want to reveal the anti icbm of last Vegas if you don't mind Mr house"

Mr house said"If my technology can prevent a nuclear war then reveal it no one shall ever experience a nuclear war."

General Abraham nodded and walked away and said"Damm we are repeating history but there is a difference fossil fuels around the world has not dried up yet so there is a chance we can avoid fallout earth fate." General Abraham immediately went to work to prevent the resource war from repeating in this earth.

Undisclosed bunker in Beijing
China president Dong Dechou has called a meeting with his top generals of the PLA. Dong spoke"We need to deal with this fallout america.How did fallout america invade our counterpart?"
General Li Wei spoke"Is due to those power armor of this fallout america military follow the concept of the island of resistance as they are a pentomic army due to this huge numbers won't work as can been seen by fallout america invasion of fallout china I recommend increase our military spending by 4 times to match the americans.Also I recommend we harass american warships near Anchorage Alaska and to release a footage of the Chinese army practicing an invasion of a mock Anchorage to scare the americans,last but not least increase china nuclear arsenal to match Russia and Americas."
China president Dong Dechou heard this and said"You are a genius,I will do it now,the time of America influence has ended it's china turn to be a world power.

"This is Trevor from CNN, state media in china has released that china is now testing nuclear weapons in the Gobi deserts,this is a breach of international law as nuclear weapons testing is banned throughout the globe china ambassador defended this as I quote his exact words"We have seen what happens when america go unchallenged they invaded china. By testing nuclear weapons and harassing american warships near Alaska Anchorage to show america that the Chinese army is undefeatable and ready to die for their nation."

Comments section
"Here we go again china these few months is acting like a jealous ex girlfriend"
"China can't stand the fact you lost?"
"Act like a grown up china!"

"This is reporter Sofia from MSNBC china has released a footage of Chinese troops training in environment similar to the geography of Anchorage Alaska.Many military experts believe that china is practicing a mock invasion of Anchorage Alaska."

Comments section
"Time to join the army to defend america"
"Are we in the fallout timeline?"
"I rather have a nuclear war than to give an inch of American soil to china"
"Doomsday prepping is not so crazy after all."

White House conference room
In order to reduce the fears of Americans general Abraham and president dirrel had called for a press briefing mainstream media like MSNBC,CNN,CBS,fox news were invited

"This is reporter Sofia from MSNBC I would like to ask how would you calm fellow Americans that china is harassing american warships near Anchorage Alaska and china releasing a footage of a mock Anchorage invasion."

Dirrel responded"Well I can say look what happened to fallout earth considering what happened to them I think that invading Anchorage Alaska is a bad idea as americans will no doubt fight for their homeland."

"This is John from fox news,may i ask is there any wonder weapons you have gained from fallout america?"

President dirrel said"Yes an anti icbm system created by Mr house, during the great war 77 warheads is sent towards Vegas,out of the 77 warheads sent, only 9 warhead made it through may I welcome Mr house."

Fallout belongs to
Betheasda softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

Info MAD reference

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