slaughter of italica

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Thousands of men charge italica at once their screams of intimation roar louder than all the wildlife near italica.
Randall Clark said"steady, steady wait for them to come in the kill zone when they reached the 800m mark we open fire."
Many imperial troops wondered why none of them are killed,maybe they scare off the otherworlders? Little do they know the otherworlders is setting up a trap for them to walk right in.

Randall Clark said"open fire!" On cue assault rifles,all American assault rifle,coilguns, laser machine and gatling guns open fire with dozen of mini nukes fired. The first wave of imperial legion is complete wipe out bullets tore through multiple men at once making them scream in the pain,the scene of men screaming for help is recorded by the media the world stared in shock and awe as the Saderan forces spent themselves to the wall of lead. The hailstorm of lead is so intense that several men just turn to red mist or just cease to exist. Mini nukes impact the right imperial legion formation killing dozens in one time with fiery mushroom cloud marking the position where dozens of men were killed.
Laser machine guns simply turn men to ash with such tight formation the laser machine guns achieve kill by the dozens every few seconds.The 50cal open fire the 50cal just punch through the sadera troops armor like there are never there,it's better of their naked, officers were picked off by soldiers using guass rifle their head just exploded or their body got clean in 2 as the projectile is traveling at multiple times the speed of sound.

Soldiers in T-51b suits of power armor just stood there as the fired their laser gatling guns,mowing down imperial troops like wheat to a scythe a imperial soldier can be seen shooting a arrow at a t-51b power armor only for the arrow to bounce off,and getting shot by lasers in the process.

"Reloading!"Jackson replied as he quickly inserted another magazine in his all American assault rifle,with a satisfying click he smiled and lift up his rifle and fired a imperial soldier just fall down and begins to cry just as these was happening a mini nuke was launched the mini nuke hit the ground of men coming to the wall the explosion sent body parts into italica.

Countless myui saw what was happening although she see the otherworlder fight before she is still scared of their might.Mamina grin at the sight as she is a warrior bunny who was slaughtered by the saderan empire,seeing the empire being mowed down with ruthless efficiency made her happy and she said"This what you deserve for slaughtering my people now feels what is like to have someone more powerful than you going to war against you."Pina who is in italica is shocked at mamina expression she can't blame them her brother did commit genocide on her race.seeing these otherworlder killing the imperial forces in the thousands give a sense that vengeance has been delivered.

"I need more mags!"Jackson said as he inserted his last clip into his all American assault rifle he has killed at least 100 imperial troops all around him are spent 5.56 casings from his rifle.james immediately ran of the wall and grab a cashe of ammo for everybody as he store the ammo in his pip boy and dematerialize it Infront of his squad. Andrew replied"thanks!" As he fired his guass rifle at the enemy tearing a poor imperial officers in two. Jackson activated vats his world slowed down and saw the chances of hitting it he immediately use it,in a few seconds he pulled the trigger 5.56 bullets flew out his rifle and hit 7 imperial soldier in the head. Itami saw this normal going full auto would mean accuracy decrease but Jackson rounds of 5.56 hit true not only did it hit,it scored headshots, the imperial troops that Jackson shot using vets all has bullet holes in their skull as 5.56 bullet tore their skulls apart.

Randall Clark fired his R91 assault rifle at the imperial troops blood splatter all over the place the bullet tore in the enemy body adding on to a pile of corpses around italica.The fields of italica is filled with body parts,craters as the imperial army charge straight through the wall of lead and lasers without noticing the legion of fallout America jets in the distance.

American F-108 Rapier soared towards italica creating a sonic boom that send terror down the spins of the imperials and fired all 12 × GAR-9A air-to-air missiles into the mass of troops making a huge explosion that make killed thousands of men in one fell swoop and the F-108 Rapier then came back to fired it's 4 HER90 heavy air to air laser cannons maiming thousands of imperial troops some imperial troops did not even turn to ash as they were vaporized by the laser cannons,many imperial soldier thought that the terror of the iron dragons are gone until a second F-108 rapier came and drop plasma bombs on imperial forces the wall of super hot plasma consumed everything in it's path like a giant tsunami of plasma rush forth from the impact site vaporizing those in it's way.

Herm assault of 55000 men has failed more than 50000 troops were killed and herm said"You call this war!this is not a war I demand a fight with honor not using staves and killing your enemy from a distance! Real men fight face to face not hide cowardly behind walls and kills the enemy,this is your lucky day,you otherworlders are just lucky you won,mark my words I general herm will win as I am a saderan and which makes me invincible i-" before he can say anything a mini nuke landed not far away from him the blast of nuke send pieces of shrapnel flying to his direction one of the shrapnel traveling at multiple times the speed of sound hit herm vocal cords immediately turning him a mute.
Herm then began to scream to but his voice is not heard he then fainted from shock.

Fallout belongs to
Betheasda softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

Info on the F-108 rapier

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