Operation link up part 5

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"With fort vautris taken, fallout america and jsdf forces have effectively surrounded the 100000 strong imperial army led by Legate doras in the city of Dale.Now taking the city will be of key importance as it will fully allowed jsdf and fallout American forces to join up and secure their front by preventing any gaps which the imperial army can exploit, although the imperial army may be using bows and swords, fallout america general William Wales said that it is better safe than sorry as he is taking no chances with it."-MSNBC

Dalmus hill
"Get me some american troops and equip them with stealth suits and sent them into the city of Dale to instill terror in the imperial army, they think that by using our people as human shields we won't try to take the city they are in for a nasty surprise."General William Wales said

Not long several fallout US troops were dressed in stealth suits and sent to the city of Dale to inflict terror.

City of Dale
Day 1
"Ahhhaahhaah"a imperial soldier screamed as his intestine is ripped out of seemingly from nowhere as the people watch the scene unfold.it was just a normal day until a imperial soldier has his guts ripped out.
Screams of imperial soldier screaming is common after the fall of fort vautris as imperial soldier will sometimes wake up to their buddies throat slit opened,with words carved into the dead imperial soldier in saderan"For those that uses our people as human slaves shall find their life cut short and may tragedy befell them."
This had led to mass paranoia in the city.Legate doras is nowhere to be seen as he is hiding in his room,the Legate is so scared to the point that he won't even go to take a shower.

"Help me!Help me! please spare me!"Several imperial soldiers screamed,not long ago several imperial soldier is raping several fallout american slaves.Those same imperial soldiers is now having their eyes ripped out by fallout american soldiers in stealth suits what next is brutal as they are then hanged in their bunk by their own intestine with words carved onto their chest.

Day 2
Imperial troops wake up to seeing several of their officers dead their throats cut opened it seems like those officers died in their sleep.

Some brave imperial officers seemed unfazed by the terror campaign fallout america has launch at them,so a imperial officer brought out a fallout american slave and will be raping the fallout american women Infront of the whole city by before that can happen the imperial officers genitals is cut away and shove down his throat the people are scared as they could not see the person doing it due to stealth technology that fallout america has stolen from fallout china,
Their eyes gouge out.

Panic ensued after that for more several hours,there is no more killing but the people of the city and the imperial army there begin to pour salt Infront of their houses and bunks hoping the salts will stop the fallout americans in stealth suits as the people thought that demons are sieging their city and are afraid of salt.

It seemed when ever someone tries to kill any of the otherworlder slaves or try to do them harm they will be killed by some unseen force.It has gotten so bad that no one in the city wants to abuse the otherworlder slaves anymore.

Day 3
The city is restless,no one had a good night sleep the invisible killings is starting to take a toll on them bags can been seen in everyone eyes,some soldier can been seen running in the streets shouting"come out and face me otherworlders,fight me like a man" while swinging their swords.
Others had fled their post and begin to attempt a break out from the encirclement that fallout america and the jsdf had them in.
"We want to die,I am not going to die to some invisible enemy so my fellow brothers we are going just blindly charge into the otherworlders remember this is no longer a fight but a slaughter no use fighting against a enemy that has slaughtered millions of us in a few months!who with me?"
A imperial soldier shouted,soon 15000 imperial troops responded and charge straight towards fort vautris to die as their minds had been broken by the fallout american troops in stealth suits instilling terror onto the entire city.Legate doras did not even say anything as he is too scared to leave his room,The reason why Legate Doras is still alive is due to fallout america want him alive since he is a Legate and thus know some secret plans of the imperial army which fallout america and the jsdf wants.

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