interviews part 3 and america get even more upgrades

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"Iran has criticized america of leading the world to a very dangerous place as Iran surpreme leader Ali Khamenei said"what america doing is very dangerous as america is helping the rebuilding efforts of the fallout US military,you know the military that destroyed their earth with thousands of nuclear weapons bathing their earth in nuclear fire, killing billions of people all over the their earth and now america want to rebuild the genocidal fallout US military, we must not let that happen."Many of America enemies has been criticizing america actions of helping fallout US military rebuilt as to strike fear into their hearts."-CNN

"I am John from fox news and today I have an exclusive interview with Iran surpreme leader Ali Khamenei, please Ali Khamenei get ready I am about to start the interview."John said

"Of course I am ready."Ali Khamenei said

"Okay, first question can you explain the meaning that america want to strike fear into the hearts of their enemies?"john asked

"Well,of course which military on earth used nuclear weapons in the thousands?"Ali Khamenei said

"Well the fallout US military used it to strike back at china when it detected ICBMs coming from china."John replied

"Now that's what I mean by striking fear into the hearts of America enemies,I thought america does not do that."Ali Khamenei said

"Can you explain,I am very confused."John asked

"Well the fallout US military participated in a nuclear war!Do you know what that means?that means that fallout america will use nukes if it come to shove.Unlike america of this earth, there will be calmer heads on this earth that will prevent this from happening.So now america want to rebuild the very military that participated in a nuclear war that helped destroyed their earth.Any military that participate in a nuclear war does not deserved to be rebuilt."Ali Khamenei said

"So what you are trying to say that america will use fallout US military to strike fear into the hearts to america enemies?"John asked

"Yes,We all saw how ruthless the fallout US military is, using chemical and biological weapons in war which is banned in the Geneva conventions killing tens of thousands if not millions civilians,also they used nukes on Chinese cities.Fallout america essential ensured total destruction of china on their earth.We all saw happened to china in fallout earth.Nuked so badly that it can been seen glowing from space!Now america want to rebuild the very same military that did that.I ask you john an american don't you feel afraid of this kind of power?The amount of nuclear firepower needed to turn china into basically what is the glowing sea x10000000 is terrifying."Ali Khamenei said

"Well,I can say that the fallout US military is much more warmongering then current america."John said

"That brings me to my next point,can you imagine what if fallout america military is rebuilt,any country that even opening display a single ounce of defiance against the US is going to have a bulls eye on their back by the fallout US military which will most likely lead to a regime change.America and fallout America will most likely go on a campaign across the middle east spreading destruction everywhere they go.One America has already caused so much chaos in the middle east.Can you imagine two americas? That will be an apocalypse."Ali Khamenei said

"So you are worried of fallout america going on a rampage throughout the middle east."John replied

"Yes, fallout america is more warmongering and ruthless than current america.They are basically an America that give no damm about what they are doing.Any country that tries anything funny with fallout US normally end up in complete disaster,look at Canada in fallout earth, fallout US just annexed it just because Canada refused to allow fallout US troops cross their land to Alaska Anchorage.Mexico in fallout earth is annexed by fallout america because they have oil,next Greenland in fallout earth,When fallout america bought Greenland as new territory but the Greenland refused to honor their deal?You know what fallout america did?instead of diplomacy, fallout america just straight up invaded it.Did you see the pattern here?any country that tries anything stupid or funny with fallout america gets crushed by their military.Now John do you want to see an america that tolerate no nonsense and always using their military force to solve issues? Because that is what you will get when you rebuild the fallout US military."Ali Khamenei said

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