challenge accepted

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"Fallout america you have humiliated me in front of my generals those who make fun of the emperor of sadera shall be punished with the worst pain imaginable so I emperor Zorzal hereby challenge fallout america to game of cruelty see who is more ruthless than the other.
Sign by emperor zorzal own hand"

President Daniel read this letter and he was shocked that someone is challenging his nation to a game of cruelty oh well he is in a world of hurt and Daniel said"Get me colonel Johnson I have some task for him."

Colonel Johnson receive president Daniel orders and met with president Daniel, Daniel said"I want you to make this zorzal guy life a living hell,as I accept zorzal challenge of who can be more cruel than the other, remember make all those close to this guy life a living hell."

Johnson smiled as he was part of us invasion of china where many atrocities were committed by us troops such as the torturing of Chinese POWs which he took part in.

Johnson replied"oh I will as I have already planned for some very interesting activities for him."

President Daniel said"Very good,also I want to know how magic works see if magic can be incorporated into our technology"

Colonel Johnson replied"yes sir"

At a undisclosed location in fallout america

Grand mage godasen was thrown into a dark room with his hands bound
The door opened revealing colonel Johnson as he said"Mage godasen,you have caught my nation interest I would like you to share how magic works in sadera."
Godasen replied"I won't share it, besides you can't torture me or harm me I have probe the minds of those captured from alnus hill,your world have something called the Geneva convention where one must treat prisoner with care,you break the law you get punished."
Colonel Johnson then snapped his fingers and the door opened revealing a captured imperial soldier, Johnson then took out his 10mm pistol and shot the pow right in the head,brain matter splash everywhere.
Godasen screamed"You can't kill those who surrender it is written in the Geneva convention!"
Colonel Johnson said"My world maybe similar to the one at alnus but there is one big stark difference."On cue he brought another imperial pow to show godasen fallout america robo brain where they take the brain of a person and place in a robot to serve fallout america.Godasen screamed"You,you are cruel not even sadera will decent to such evil."
Johnson then took out a sledgehammer and swung it down on godasen, godasen screamed in pain the blow broke his leg.Godasen said"You are savages commiting such evils what gives you the right?"

Johnson said"You should be grateful my president have accepted zorzal offer." and showed him the letter zorzal sent to him.

"Fallout america you have humiliated me in front of my generals those who make fun of the emperor of sadera shall be punished with the worst pain imaginable so I emperor Zorzal hereby challenge fallout america to game of cruelty see who is more ruthless than the other.
Sign by emperor zorzal own hand"

Godasen saw this,his face paled zorzal has no idea of the cruelty of fallout america, fallout america will literally terrify all of sadera to submission.

Godasen said"Zorzal is still young you must give him a chance we all make mistakes in life, forgiveness is the way no need to accept his challenge our nation is still young."

Johnson said"oh don't worry,since sadera is still young I will make sure fallout america teach the saderan empire how to be cruel, scorched earth tactics using posion only, you should use cobalt bombs or chemical munitions.i will ensure those weapons are used so by the time the war is over your nation shall be a shell of a former self serving america interest." a grin formed on Johnson face.

Godasen said"please spare rondel, please I beg of you they are innocent in this war."

Johnson then backhanded godasen with his pistol and said"You are making request of my nation yet you have not given what I want by the way rondel is destroyed."

Godasen asked"destroyed?"

Johnson before the meeting took the footage of the firebombing of rondel with him to show godasen.

The footage of rondel being firebomb to the ground is shown to godasen, godasen shouted"You savages,you have no idea what you have done,you have basically sent sadera magic back to the stone age even if we defeat you we would have lost our power to dominate others are you happy now!"

Johnson said"Tell us what you know about magic or else I will put your brain in one of our robots to serve the america.

Godasen said"You won't dare."

Johnson sighed and said to the scientist of fallout america"Well he's all yours scoop his brains out put it in one of our robo brains so we can find out how magic works.

immediately scientist haul godasen on to a operating table where they begin the process godasen tried to break free by Johnson broke his arms and legs making him unable to move within moments they extracted godasen brain and place in a robobrains to serve america.

Fallout belongs to
Betheasda softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

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