Revelations part 2

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Jackson and his squad is currently attending a white house dinner hosted by the president, Jackson then told dirrel"You know the last time I was at the white house is fighting mutants that has infested the capital"
Dirrel responded"There is no mutants enjoy your time."

Many us veterans were invited by the white house to meet with fallout america soldiers. A world war 2 veteran said"it's an honor to meet you so,you fought in world war 3?"

Jackson responded"You can the resource war as world war 3 it's technically the same thing"

A world war 1 veteran came out said"I fought in the first world war, I don't have long to live but if you can allow me to take picture with you I can go to my grave with no regrets"

The world war 2 vet and Jackson complied and together took a picture,the picture immediately went viral on the internet gaining billions of vews

On Twitter where one of the picture is displayed

A Twitter user wrote"we now have the complete trilogy boys,the first world war,the second world war and the resource war which is technically world war 3."

Another user wrote"The MCU has the biggest crossover of all time, fallout america"hold my beer".

Another user wrote"Can you imagine if fallout america and america fought together in the special region"

A reply to the message wrote"post apocalyptic america and america vs magical fantasy now that's a movie I would want to watch,oh wait this is real."

Another Twitter user wrote"Activision please make a call of duty game on the resource wars it will be a top selling hit! Lasers,mini nukes,rail guns,mini nukes,power armor make it happen Activision!"

Breaking news, warner bros has just announced they will be making a movie about the resource wars of fallout earth and Disney will also be making a movie of the resource wars but with romance as Disney writers said "we want to show that love trumips all even in nuclear war" but was immediately in controversy as critics call Disney stunt a cash grab on the horror of the resource war which plunged fallout earth to the brink.with one critics said"The resource war should not be a cash grab we are talking about whole world being destroyed and instead of helping, cooperate immediately think of how they can make money of this event may I remind you billions of people died in this war."

"This is reporter Sofia from MSNBC news now we will be reading comments based on our previous show as military experts said invading china is impossible."

A comment wrote"Military experts says invading china is impossible, fallout america"hold my freedom"

Another wrote"How fallout america men walk onto the battlefield as they must have balls of depleted uranium."
A reply wrote"freedom and democracy"

A another commenter wrote"2 nukes drop on Japan anime is created,global thermonuclear war =?"
A reply wrote"global thermonuclear war=anime is made real thus fallout earth must have anime waifus, forget storming area 51 we shall storm fallout earth #theradiationcan'tstopallofus.this is fake, is just a joke"

YouTube video
The resource wars with the nukes dropping full video. 5.6 billion views
A commenter wrote"it's terrifying seeing the nukes leave the silo,can't imagine how one must feel watching that unfold in real time"

Another commenter wrote"I would have run towards the nuclear strike to get a quick death."

At the white house
The dinner is finished,and with thousands of images taken, Jackson and his men were sent to a hotel for them to rest up for the day before they go back to the gate.

The following day Jackson and his men went back to Japan and into the special region back where a new mission awaits them. Where they met up with the 3rd recon team, princess Pina is horrified at the power of the modern world and will be trying to negotiate a peace deal.

The UN
UN secretary general said"we now have learnt of a second world like ours but they went through a nuclear war,the have a UN but is disbanded due to the resource wars.Now should we decide to help?"

A french ambassador said"we can't send troops to the fallout earth,there is mutants, radiation and let me remind radiation storms,plus nuclear winter.

A american ambassador said"We have hazmat suits we need to report on this world so we can avoid their fate"

In the end nothing is accomplish as both sides has an equal amount of votes of helping and not helping fallout earth many people took to the internet to voice their frustration and said"UN, useless since 1945"

Jackson then arrived back to the special region, immediately a vertibird a waiting for him and his men and one of the pilots said" we may have a problem."
"Why"Jackson asked "a crown prince sent a letter to us you may want to read it"the pilot responded.

Fallout belongs to
Bethesda Softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

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