Firebomb of rondel

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Fallout america fighter jets take off from dalmus hill and soared through the skies with impunity as they flew towards rondel faster than the speed of sound loaded with enough bombs to level a small country. When the F 108 rapier is within rondel they drop their payloads plasma bombs were dropped it looks like the planes has an infinite supply of it.The city of rondel is a crown jewel of sadera the capital of the world of magic never has they been conquered or a army never dared strike it as they can't fight against the magic of rondel until now.
The weyerns that is send to guard the city is reduced to cinders by the F 108 rapier 4 HER90 heavy air to air laser cannons turning them to mush or just vaporized them as the laser cannons on the plane is much more powerful than the laser rifles the infantry carry.
The inhabitants of rondel conjured a magical shield around the city to defend it but the F 108 rapier let loose their 6 x anti ship missiles in a rotary weapons bay,anti ship missiles are extremely powerful as they are used to take out Chinese warships against the magics with no ideas of the might of modern weaponry the results are unfair the hundreds of anti ship missiles impact the shield as there as dozens of F 108 rapier sent to rondel to reduce it to ash.The shield broke under the might of hundreds of anti ships missiles impacting it.

Grand mage akane pov
How could this be possible rondel has never been invaded and defeated before how can our magical shield be destroyed how it is possible?I look around the many mages is laying down on the floor with exhaustion as they could not put up the shield I immediately ordered an all out retreat from rondel I must seek peace with the otherworlder any army that could do this must be terrifying hope they are merciful.

The F 108 rapier unleashed their plasma payloads the plasma bombs fell down from the sky like rain the plasma bombs burned rondel to the ground as it spread out from the impact site like a giant wall of death consuming everything in it's path below them the pilots could see the destruction they had wrought an entire city set ablaze by plasma bombing with one pilot said"mission updated expend all of your lasers cannon on the city don't want them to adapt to us kill it when it's weak."
Immediately the f 108 rapier that has emptied their payloads begin to circle back to rondel to unleash even more destruction on the city

Lasers and plasma bombs fell on to the city many screams can be heard as thousands fall prey to hailstorm of death from the sky many tried to dig a hole underground with their barehands as the mages has expended all of their mana and will need to take weeks to recharge but now they could not afford the time to recharge as death is everywhere, a young mage could be seeing digging his way into the cold hard rock to escape from the bombing but has no use in the end he broke all his fingers trying to dig a hole in cold hard stone.Many mages are driven to insanity by the destruction as they could not comprehend the destruction caused by the otherworlders with some of them jumping into the fire to ease their suffering.

Grand mage akane saw more of the iron dragons swooping down from the heaven unleashing their black magic on rondel he is powerless as he's mana is used up,he then went to pack his things and went to the otherworlders hoping they are merciful.

Due to the firebombing many books containing magic is gone, burned away by plasma bombs as this is what fallout america wants as fallout america views rondel as a key target to be taken out in war by taking out rondel the empire would have lost one of it's key weaponry magic.

The pilots then returned back to base with one them saying"the Romans cosplayers can't surprise with magics anymore destroyed one of their most important cities can't wait to do the same to the capital of sadera."

Fallout belongs to
Betheasda softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

Info on the F 108 rapier

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