Mr house ,unrest across Europe and Russia

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"Greetings,This is Trevor from CNN today I am making history as I am interviewing our mysterious guest Mr house the man who uploaded himself into a computer which is remarkable considering that fallout earth tech seems to be stuck in the 1950s now Mr house you don't mind if I ask a few questions would you?"

"Not at all infact I wanted a interview so that I can share my visions and goals to the world."house replied

"Ok what year were you born?"Trevor asked

"I was born on June 25 2020"house replied

"Huh that's the year our world is currently in can you imagine seeing your just born self in america."Trevor said

"I don't think so as there is divergence in the timeline after world war 2." House replied

"So what is your goals and visions basically what is your endgame."Trevor asked

"One of my goals is to restore las Vegas back to the shining city it once was before the great war a city of techniogical advancement also to introduce my products into your world and see how my world technology can combine together to advance even further as the reason why my world has a resource war is due to our technology uses huge amount of resources but with the technology from your world I can make a breakthrough.For example let's talk about military weapons, military weapons needs lots of care if not maintained properly it will not work but fallout america weaponry will still work without needing as much care as this world weaponry thus reducing spending and those money not spent can be spent on other areas like education or welfare.Sorry you must forgive me as I usually think in the mind of a businessman."

"Wow that is a lot to take in"Trevor said

"Yes,I am very ambitious this is why I am alive as I am ambitious enough to build a anti icbm system to defend my home from nukes."House replied

"Since you are saying you are thinking in the mind of a businessman and also a billionaire what billionaire would you want to team up?"Trevor asked

"Now that's a interesting question for starters I would like to team up with Elon musk as he is researching on rocket technology to take mankind to the stars and I share the same goal I would like to team up with him to accomplish my goals of making humanity a space faring civilization."house said

"Well I think Elon musk will have no doubt to work with you."Trevor replied

"Is there anymore question you want to ask?"house asked

"No this will be all thank for your time Mr house I hope that you will grant CNN further interviews with you." Trevor said

"No worries I will contact you"house replied

"This is Trevor from CNN,this comes to the end my interview with Mr house I hope that you will continue to watch CNN as we report honest news to you viewers."

Comments section
"Damm a alliance with Elon musk talk a about a match made in heaven."
"Elon musk and Mr house working together humanity will advance a thousand Times faster."
"How can one upload themselves onto a computer it makes no sense at all."
"Star trek will become a reality."
"Sounds like a sci Fi story"
"Say it with me to go where no man has ever gone before."

On Twitter Elon musk has tweeted that he will happily work with Mr house to build space technology to bring the human race to the stars.

Comments section
"A billionaire working with a billionaire from a post apocalyptic america in a computer now that's sound like a movie."
"The best minds of both worlds working together.power level is over 9000."

"This is reporter Sofia from MSNBC today we have Mr house as our guest along with a military critic Joshua as he is critic of Mr house securitron saying that what if those robots are damaged during battle it will make a repairing almost difficult.Mr house how will you respond to this critic?"

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