Horrors of the wasteland

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"oh my god!?" Special region inhabitants,gate earth green berets,3rd recon team and the press all said in unison.What they see is world covered in what is eternal darkness,dust kick up the bombs blanket the earth blocked sunlight making temperature freezing cold.
Cody said"I grew up in Boston but I have never imagined in all my life I will see it becoming a nuclear wasteland." The press team activated their camera as they began filming fallout earth a live stream is connected so gate earth can view it,it is the single most watch event in history. "This is Trevor from CNN I am reporting live in fallout earth as you can see fallout earth is a wasteland ruin buildings as far as the eye can see the temperature is freezing here as nuclear winter block out the sun."
Viewers around the world especially those in Boston gasped in shock as they saw the aftermath of a nuclear war.
Comments were written such as
"We need to get rid of nukes now!!"
"Peace should be a top priority."
"Judgement day"
"Can I get a girlfriend in a nuclear war?"
"What happened to Detroit?"
"What happened to Japan?"
"What happened to china?"
"What happened to France?"
"What happened to Germany?"
"What happened to Australia?"

Pina saw the ruins of this world and feel itchy on her face as she tried to stop it James grab her arm and said" do not take it off until you are in a SafeZone or else you will get all kinds of sickness, radiation is high here as it close to the glowing sea." Pina nodded
Cody asked"what is the glowing sea?" Randall Clark replied"imagine Chernobyl x100, basically a sea of radiation as it was hit by a large nuclear bomb. A us scientist asked"how is there so much radiation, normally after 2 weeks the radiation will be okay." Jackson replied"by the time of the great war larger class warhead is retired,low yield warhead from the 250-750 kiloton range were used,this is far worst for earth as the lower yield nukes cause more fallout causing the climate and wildlife to change horrifically." Trevor asked"I had not seen any life this place looks like the surface of Mars just dust and ash everywhere." James replied"be grateful you have not encountered some of our wildlife as they are extremely hostile and will kill humans on sight."

They made their way to a safe zone the radiation died down, scientist begin to do their work of studying fallout earth.Until a settler shouted"deathclaw and ghouls!"
Immediately settlers took up rifles and run towards the wall to defend the settlement,us green beret,3rd recon team and Jackson squad did so as well. The ghouls came rushing forward like zombies in a zombies game they were easily dispatched but the deathclaw is a another story the deathclaw soaked up bullet like it's nothing scaring gate earth personnel, Jackson then said"bring out the mini nuke" one of the settlers pulled out a mini nuke and fired at the deathclaw tearing the deathclaw to shreds.

Cody said"what is that." Jackson replied"bioweapons engineered by the us military to counter insurgencies in china useful in scaling mountains to hunt down enemies,there is also super mutants created from the fev to turn humans to indestructible killing machines,I want to add we also put brains in machines to preserve knowledge."

Everyone is horrified at the response it's like every sci Fi horror movie come to light what kind of desperation drive this america to commit such acts of cruelty many still can't believe how ruthless this america has become,the feeling of how this america behave before the resource war is similarly erie to gate earth america.

Jackson then said"3rd recon team,Pina, rose knights I need to leave all of you to James and andrew,I need to lead the gate earth green beret to the Cheyenne mountain complex which is a top secret facility."

James and andrew lead the 3rd recon team,Pina,rose knights, scientist and press teams around the wasteland while the Jackson lead the green beret s to the mountain complex.

Cheyenne mountain complex
General William Wales met the gate earth green beret,one of the green beret said"I never imagined america to look like this." Wales responded"I know let's connect to president dirrel,to discuss policy." The software connected and dirrel face can be seen by William Wales,dirrel asked"Are you in charge of fallout america?"
William Wales replied"yes,Mr president, fallout america president is nowhere to be found,will there be UN help to restore america?"
Dirrel responded"will see,what technology you have?" William responded with"we have replicators that can create anything we solve our resource crisis when the great war occured, irony is such a pain in the butt." Dirrel asked"replicators?" Wales responded"basically star trek replicators." Dirrel has a grin on his face fallout earth tech is something but he is suddenly reminded if this tech is leaked to gate earth,the world will no doubt want it leading to war.
Dirrel said"replicators tech must remain a secret." William Wales responded"of course that what I want too I fear gate earth china will come and steal it" general William Wales is always paranoid about china due to fallout america third red scare being amped up to 11. Dirrel then turned to the green beret and said"I expect all of you to not leak things out we don't need a nuclear war too."
The green beret nodded after seeing the horrific cost of nuclear war.They don't want fallout america fate to come to their america. "Excuse me I need to meet up with princess Pina to discuss peace talks."William said and walked out of the room.

"As you can see this a deathclaw corpse our brave soldiers just killed it shrug off bullet like it's nothing, requiring a mini nuke to kill it. A shocking revelation as it is a us bioweapon and a assaulttron as it fired lasers from its face,Trevor out."

Comment section
"Imagine you are Chinese soldier during the sino american war,and these just charge your lines,must be nightmare fuel."
"Fallout earth home to abominations"
"Judgement day for the sinful"
"I saw the footage of the resource war and how the world went nuts,see this politician this is what happens when you don't do your job."
"We will not have nuclear apocalypse Right"

Pina and the rest stayed at a house that is rebuild although not very good they can forgive fallout america as they just been through a apocalypse,James then said"general William Wales will be meeting you soon prepare yourself." Pina raised an eyebrow and saw general William Wales outside the house she opened the door and William walked in and sat down and said"let's begin some peace talks."

Fallout belongs to
Betheasda softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

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