Restrictions lossen and all out war begins

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"To Fallout america and Japan,I zorzal the greatest emperor sadera has ever seen hereby declares a war of genocide against both of your worlds after we crushed you,we will take your worlds over by force the reason for these is simple because your world has things that we don't such as buildings that stretches in the very heavens themselves,metal dragons that fly across the heavens with impunity, those things should only belong to sadera and sadera only no nation shall be more powerful than sadera.Fallout america and Japan committed the ultimate sin as being more powerful than sadera so deserves genocide.This war shall have no end unless you kill every single male in sadera as all the males in sadera will gadly give their lives for the empire."
Sign by zorzal own hand

This letter is given to fallout america and Japan.Japan is nervous about fighting a war of genocide,but for fallout america they got the feeling of the sino american war all over again as china and america wage a war of genocide over the last remaining resources on earth which resulted in the great war of 2077 which nearly wipe out all life on the planet.

Alnus hill
Due to a war of genocide being declared general Hazama called general William Wales to ask what should be done with this.

The face of general William Wales soon appeared on the screen in the general office

"What should we do? We are facing a war of genocide right now which means more force is required."General Hazama said

"We tell the UN about this,so when we use too much force and they start to complain we remind them that sadera started a war of genocide so extreme force is needed."General William Wales said

"You are right, William"general Hazama said

The meeting between the generals soon ended

UN building (New York)
President dirrel has called for a UN meeting again to discuss about the use of force on the Saderan empire as many nations believe too much force is used in the special region against the empire many people are comparing fallout america and Japan actions to the European colonists where they wipe out the native americans with superior technology.

"Well,you western imperialist is conducting imperialism on a new world now.When a portal opened to another world and the inhabitants are armed with swords and bows you invaded them,I get they invaded you first that could not be denied.But what you are doing now is colonization at it's finest is now invading them and turning sadera to a puppet state."Iran ambassador said

Many UN members started to agree and general William Wales took the stage as he requested president dirrel to open a UN meeting to explain the use of excessive force.

"I am general William Wales,I am a general of fallout america I have stand here many times to explain the actions of nation.Let me tell you that extreme force is needed."General William Wales said

"How could you justify excessive force on a enemy that uses swords and bows?"Iran ambassador said

"Well,the Saderan empire just declare a war of genocide against fallout america and Japan so I must say they pretty much deserve it."General William Wales said

"A war of genocide? It seems like you are the one declaring it war of genocide."Iran ambassador said.

"Well I got proof here."general William Wales said and he showed the letter
"To Fallout america and Japan,I zorzal the greatest emperor sadera has ever seen hereby declares a war of genocide against both of your worlds after we crushed you,we will take your worlds over by force the reason for these is simple because your world has things that we don't such as buildings that stretches in the very heavens themselves,metal dragons that fly across the heavens with impunity, those things should only belong to sadera and sadera only no nation shall be more powerful than sadera.Fallout america and Japan committed the ultimate sin as being more powerful than sadera so deserves genocide.This war shall have no end unless you kill every single male in sadera as all the males in sadera will gadly give their lives for the empire."
Sign by zorzal own hand

"The signature is checked by princess Pina and it is true that is her brother signature as the reason for a war of genocide against us is due to us having more advanced technology to them so they want to kill us all,I think we should use excessive force and besides they use our people as slaves."General William Wales said

The debate soon continued the world saw what that letter is and begin to demand that chemical weapons be authorized in the special region,the debate soon ended in favor of using chemical munitions on the Saderans army.The usage of biological weapons and nuclear weapons are still pending.The debate is Livestream to the rest of the world

Comments section
"Heck yea,why should we abide by the Geneva convention when the enemy don't abide by it?"
"Just finished sadera with a nuke,kill them all."
"Just gas the entire capital."

Alnus hill
Rory is walking by the base and suddenly she collapse on the ground as she suddenly felt a huge influx of souls flood through her.Itami saw this and when to get her to the infirmary.

Rory soon woke up and said"I felt a huge influx of souls rush through me it seems that it is coming out of the gate of dalmus hill but why?The souls in the world of dalmus hill told me they come here to seek another afterlife here."

"Wait isn't that fallout earth?"Itami said

"Yes."Rory said

"Can you contact with those souls and ask them why?"itami said

"I asked them,but what those souls on the side of dalmus hill told me is insanity."Rory said

"What is it?"itami said

"The souls in the world of dalmus hill told me that they come here to seek the afterlife here as the afterlife they claim in their world seems to be atomized by a great war."Rory said.

In the general office
General William Wales is standing beside general Hazama as they plan the complete invasion of sadera and destroy that empire down for good.

"General William may ask why are you bringing mobile ICBMs launchers into falmart,I have seen it when some drones captured it on camera."General Hazama said

"Well falmart is huge and zorzal as much he is bigot he is,he is the emperor of sadera and that means he most likely have political experience,so most likely he will make alliance with other nations on sadera.So that if those nations come to  sadera aid after sadera has fallen and refused to listen to reason we will launch icbms towards every single major city of those said nations wiping them out in nuclear hellfire."General William Wales said

In sadera
"We need more power to compete against the otherworlders as so far we have suffered serious humiliation in every single battle."General atlas said

"General atlas is right,we need something new."Zorzal said

"Your highness what about the flame dragons and other legendary beasts this world has to offer legendary beasts can be useful in fighting the otherworlders as they can withstand their mighty weapons of war for a while, I suggest we lower down our conscription age to 12 as we are running out of able bodied men to fight as we lost too much to replace our loses also to make alliance with other nations,also to combat our manpower shortage I recommend we forcefully force other races to join the war against the otherworlders as powerful as the otherworlders are they can't just destroy an entire city in the blink of eye"General atlas said

"One would need to unleash the power of the sun upon a city to do that and that power to unleash the sun is only available to the gods."A pro war senator said

"You are right, general we shall do your way,it's time we increase sadera military power"Zorzal said

Fallout belongs to
Betheasda softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

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