Hold at all cost part 1

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"War have strike the Korean  peninsula as the North Korean dictator Kim jong un launched an all out invasion of the south, america and south Korean forces is trying hold the tide of the army of the DPRK.The world is trying to grasp what is going on in the world as a magic gate opened to a world of magical Romans and next to a post apocalyptic nuclear reality causing many into believing that judgement day is coming."-CNN


"Kill them all don't let the reds cross over the border.Where is air support!"a south Korean shouted

"All air supports is currently tied up at the moment!" A south Korean sergeant replied

"I need ammo my K2 rifle is running out of ammo I am down to my last magazine!"Rhee shouted

"Sergeant I am reporting that there is mutiple breakthroughs in mutiple of our lines we need to retreat to prevent encirclement by the reds!"Park shouted

"Get down!"Rhee shouted as a north Korean motor shell landed less than 50m from their position

"Contact high command for permission to retreat,I am not going risk the lives of my men."Sergeant jae said

Rhee immediately then went to contact high command for permission to retreat.

Secret bunker in south Korea

"Sir,there is mutiple breakthroughs of our defenses here,here and here."A south Korean general pointed at the map

"So how can the enemy break through the defenses line so quickly I remember we set up with enough munitions to last for several weeks."Moon said

"The amount of enemy troops is too much for our troops and our allies to handle, don't worry the americans and other nations have begun to sent reinforcements to us,we need to hold the line.Once those reinforcements arrived we can push the enemy back to whence they came."General roh said

"Sir,all is not lost as the north have suffered horrible causalities as our men reported that DPRK just straight up charge towards entrenched machine gun post and only overrun through sheer numbers alone."General roh replied

"What is our casualties?"Moon asked

"Thousands sir,the north opened up with a thunderous artillery barrage that blew up many of our positions,over 8000 north artillery rain down their shells on our men killing countless of them."General roh replied

"There must be something we can do or something."Moon replied

"Yes.That is why i and my american counterpart have agreed to withdraw troops to a more defensive position.Here."General roh said as he pointed at chorwon.

"The iron triangle?"President moon said

"Yes,the iron triangle it is vital we hold the position at all cost.The valley make it great for power armor forces to cause mass casualties.My american counterpart has ordered some power armor troops to get there to reinforce the area."General roh replied

"They need to hold the line until reinforcements arrive I must stress that,due to this I will issuing a order to the troops at chorwon to hold at all cost even if it means fighting to the last."General roh said

"How long will we have to hold?"Moon asked

"7 days"general roh said


Day 1

"Fire the damm machine gun soldier!"a south Korean soldier shouted

"I am out of ammo damm it I need more ammo for my machine gun,I can't shoot my machine gun without bullets!"the machine gunner replied

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