Fallout of sadera part 1

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The Sadera capital is in ruins as the father flame dragon fell on it.Even though it did not suffer a nuclear strike the capital is still in ruins causing a massive refugee criss.

The inhabitants of the capital is quiet as they don't dare to talk to the otherworlders as they saw the nuclear explosions happening all over the place and wish not to anger them.

"By the gods,the otherworlders must be gods as they unleashed the power of flare on us,this must be divine punishment on us as we invaded their realm, please forgive us."a local said with a hint of fear.

"Great, now we have traumatized an entire population with nuclear strikes and they view us now as gods."Andrew said while hovering in the sky in his freedom class power armor,the fiery trails at the back of the power armor gives Andrew a very angelic appearance.

"Hey,they force our hands, zorzal is out of control and had made a deal with the underworld.That can only be defeated with nuclear weapons."James said

"Oh, what front did you serve during the sino american war?"James asked

"Oh, I served in the the 2nd Battalion, 108th infantry regiment of the US army during the sino american war."Andrew said

"You serve in the Gobi campaign under captain Jackson command right."Andrew asked

"Yea, it's crazy at the Gobi desert."James said

"I think we should not talk about those anymore for now."Andrew said

"I agree."James said

Sadera residential area

Jackson and Randall Clark is flying in their freedom class power armor conducting patrols to catch any saderan soldier that refused to surrender but both of them thinks that all saderan soldier must have surrendered as they saw a nuclear fury unleashed on them.

Jackson while hovering several feet above the ground in his freedom class power armor is suddenly hit with a ball.

Due to instinct, Jackson immediately materialized a plasma scythe,the signature plasma scythe of the freedom class power armor glowing white and with hints of gold in it, appeared in Jackson hand as he point his plasma scythe to where the ball come from.

What Jackson saw is unexpected,a boy no more than 8, standing several feet from him looking at Jackson in fear.

The boy mother rushed out to grab her child and told her child to stand at one corner.

The boy mother then went to Jackson and begged for mercy

"Angel of death, please spare my son from your divine wrath please! he is only a child I will do anything you ask just spare him,your masters has already laid waste to sadera.Please show mercy!"the boy mother begged as she knelt on the ground.

Jackson in his freedom class power then said"It's okay,I won't hurt you just tell your child to watch out for his surroundings next time."

"Thank you,angel of death for your divine mercy."the boy mother ran away and picked up her son as she disappeared down the streets.

"Nice one Jackson."Randall Clark said

"I wish we can get this killing thing over,I had enough of killing."Jackson said.

"War,war never changes,the suffering of the civilians population is always the highest."Randall Clark said

"Yes,war never changes regardless of era."Jackson said.

"This is general William Wales to captain Jackson do you copy?"general William Wales said in his coms to Jackson.

"This is captain Jackson,what are your orders?"Jackson said in his coms.

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