Exploring Washington DC

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Captain Jackson and gate earth personnel sat foot on what is left of the white house lawn and Jackson said"be warned there is super mutants in the capital and they are hostile also they can know how to use firearms."

Cody saw the Washington monument still standing tall so he gave a salute to the monument while saying"America I won't let you down."

After landing in Washington DC Jackson took the gate earth personnel to the capital building,gate earth is shocked as they thought the capital building will be completely destroyed but yet it still stands be it with major structure damages.

The group then entered the capital building as they begin to walk towards the american senate while passing by the hall of columns.Gate earth personnel is shocked while a UN soldier said"Never I would have thought that I am walking through the capital building with a gun I would have been labelled a terrorist."

Cody then said"Tell me about some of your efforts to retain order throughout america like what you did I am curious"

"We did some things to retain order throughout america that many may find evil,for one instance I was sent by general William Wales to make contact with Roger maxson to give Roger maxson a choice either join the remants of the US military or face execution by firing squad.Captain Roger maxson refused to rejoin the US military as he found out that scientist is conducting secret experiments on US troops that deserted their post what followed next is a intense war between the US military remants and the newly formed brotherhood of steel but the US military remants has more soldiers and equipment than the brotherhood of steel so in the end we won,those that sided with captain Roger maxson is executed by firing squad.Mariposa military bases is marked with destruction due to fev being discovered there.There is lots of things we did before the gate opened since we are in Washington DC let me tell you after the bombs fell,the survivors of Washington DC begin to riot and the military came in to restore order it is chaotic as survivors begin to storm the capital building for shelter from the radiation very crazy times but after that we managed to evacuate the ones who seek shelter in the capital building to other SafeZones throughout the country ok that will be all now let's focus on the task at hand as there will be super mutants and behemoth be careful ."Jackson replied

As they walked further in the capital building they entered the rotunda and Randall Clark shouted"super mutant behemoth kill it as they are extremely dangerous."Gate earth personnel is shocked at the size of the behemoth that thing must be at least 20ft tall! What it seems to be wielding is a giant club.Jackson raised his all American assault rifle while activating his VATS at the same time he emptied a magazine worth of bullets in the behemoth and yet the behemoth still stands.
James shouted"what are you standing here doing nothing we need all the help we can get remember we are all in this together!Kill that thing, fire something at least help us!"
Gate earth personnel is snap out their trance of shock of seeing a giant monster and begin to put lead in to the behemoth within after 30 seconds of continuous firing the behemoth soon fell on the ground dead.
Cody said"well that's the end of it." Just as Cody said this a super mutant came and said"die human die you filthy human."
Bimore one of Cody men said"you jinxed us"
Andrew said"super mutants know how to use guns I advise you to put them down quickly."
Randall Clark activated his VATS and aimed for the head of each super mutants he shot 10 rounds from his R91 assault rifle and it each round hit it's mark.The super mutant soon fell dead on the floor of the rotunda.

The fight is live streamed by the media and narrated by the news reporters

"This is Trevor from CNN as you can see gate earth personnel and fallout American forces just finished engaging a super mutant behemoth and many other super mutants what is shocking as they can use guns according to our fallout American forces they are created by fev or what is known as the force evolution virus to make super super soldiers immune to chemical, biological and radiation. Seems like it went wrong."

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