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"I think I should join the otherworlders to topple to the saderan empire down for good."Delilah said

"Are you sure about this?Are you willing to put yourself at war again after our near complete genocide by zorzal?"Mamina asked.

"Look at the otherworlders might, all of the assaults the empire had thrown at italica has failed miserably due to the otherworlders weapons simply turning the empire legions into target practice."Delilah said

"I think we should first ask countess myui as she is the person currently ruling italica."mamina said.

"Agreed"Delilah said

Throne room of italica
"So you want to go to fight against the saderan empire by helping the otherworlders?"myui asked

"Yes,I want to,countess myui I think it's time that we finish the empire once and for all,as so far there have been increased monster attacks at italica, luckily there have been no casualties due to the otherworlders stationing some of their troops here to defend it."Delilah said

"I heard that there is a rumor of the empire making a deal with the goddess hardy to win the war if that is true then,they will mostly drive the empire into political instability."Persia said

"What do you mean,the empire making a deal with hardy?"myui questioned

"According to some of the citizens fleeing imperial control areas and coming to italica, zorzal has made a deal with the goddess hardy in order to gain the power to defeat the otherworlders."Persia said

"This is troubling,ok Delilah and Mamina I want both of you to go to the otherworlders to confirm if the goddess hardy is working with the empire,if it is true then italica will sent some of it's supplies to the otherworlders and also sent some if it's troops fight against the saderan empire."myui said.

"Of course,it will be our honor."both Mamina and delilah said.

Both Delilah and Mamina walked to the outskirts of the city of italica where they ask fallout america troops for some sort of transportation to allow them to travel to dalmus hill to report on the deal myui has.

Fallout american troops obliged and called for a vertibird,the vertibird shortly arrived kicking up dust and dirt everywhere.

"Come aboard, don't be afraid."the pilot said

"Sorry,it's just my bunny senses is incredibly sensitive to movements."Delilah said

The vertibird soon took off and went to dalmus hill, along the way to dalmus hill Delilah suddenly shouted"hey look something is waving at us it seems to me that it is a dark elf!"

"What is a dark elf doing here?"Mamina asked

"She is appearing to be waving at us,I think she has valuable information.She just run out of a small forest and appears to be injured"Delilah said

On cue several arrows hit the vertibird fired by trolls and goblins as the vertibird is flying very low.The fallout american soldiers in the vertibird took control of the laser minigun and aimed it at the hostiles,the laser minigun activated and outcomes a stream of red hot laser heading straight for the trolls and goblins,the hostiles forces is turn to ash and Yao gasped in shock.

"By the gods,is this the power of the otherworlders."Yao said

The vertibird soon landed and 2 fallout american troops rushed out to create a temporary secure site.

"Inject the wounded with a stimpack now mark!"Comey said

"I got it Comey,cover me I don't want to take a arrow to the knee"mark said

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