Trouble in Korea

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"In an unexpected move north Korea supreme leader Kim jong un has increased his troop build up along the DMZ.Many experts are fearing that a new Korean war may soon break out with even some analyst predict that this may lead to world war 3.Many conspiracy theories are now stating that we are now living in an accelerated version of fallout earth.Polotical analyst speculate that Kim jong un is doing this in his paranoia as north Korea has become even more isolated after the gate opened.Kim jong un has demanded that western nation stop the rebuilding of the fallout US military to ensure world peace and to show that he is serious, he is putting his nuclear forces on high alert.The world is concerned as seeing the nuclear war that devastated fallout earth ,many people across the earth is now buying radiation pills and other radioactive protection clothing."-CNN

Undisclosed bunker in Beijing

"You fool!Kim what are thinking you are doing,you are jeopardizing us!"President dong dechou shouted in his phone

"I am trying to preserve the workers paradise of the democratic people republic of Korea by any means necessary even if it means going nuclear."Kim jong us said

"Russia is facing turmoil right now and is bending the knee as their economy is in shambles as the European union is now actively using fallout america nuclear technology to rid themselves of relying on Russian gas which means that Russia can't blackmail Europe now!"President dong dechou shouted

His nation and allies is crumbling first Russia lost one of it's best leverage to Europe which is the blackmail of Russian gas as he has heard from his intelligence report that Russia is now actively thinking returning Crimea to Ukraine after it annexed it in 2014 for some security guarantee conditions.Next many investment firms are leaving china and investing in fallout america industries especially rob co industries.Those damm fallout americans stealing the jobs of the Chinese people this humiliation will not stand also due to fallout america of invading fallout china,made china harder of claiming the nine dash line as nation which it has border disputes with is now actively standing up to china even more as they view the Chinese military as a paper dragon.

"Get me general peng now,we may need to intervene in Korea and get me the Russian president Zyuganov on the phone."President dong dechou said

Soon the Russian president on the phone with the Chinese president.

"Well,I heard that you are now bending the knee to the western world may I remind you that china is one of Russia biggest trading partners?"President dong dechou said

"Well,with the western companies leaving china I don't think that your nation now has the economic might anymore and secondly my nation Russia economy is in shambles I can't blackmail europe with my gas anymore as the nuclear technology developed by fallout america is now spreading to Europe at an highly advanced rate.According to my intelligence agencies Europe and fallout America cut a deal that fallout america will send some of it's nuclear technology to Europe and in return Europe will provide building aid and military aid to fallout america to rebuilt their nation and military.Also america may be thinking of sending laser weaponry to Ukraine you what will happen right?with energy weapons my Russia tanks will turn to goo the moment it set foot in Ukraine!"President Zyuganov said

"You are abandoning me?"President dong dechou shouted

"I am sorry my nation economy is on the brink right now due to fallout America nuclear technology."President Zyuganov said

"Sir, what do you need me for?"General peng asked

"Get ready the PLA we may need to cross the yalu rive to aid north Korea and I want you to be in charge of it."President dong dechou said

"Yes,sir may I recommend may we ask north Korea to return even more of our dead in the Korean war as I want to raise the morale of our troops saying that their ancestors fought against US imperialism and now is their turn?"General Peng asked

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