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Secret bunker underneath Beijing (Gate earth)

"Screw fallout america!"Dong Dechou president of china shouted as he threw his Chinese tea cup at a wall shattering it to many pieces.

"Those damm capitalist screw up my plan to reclaim china lost territory during western imperialism.The territory under the 9 nine dash line belongs to the people republic of china not the vietnamese or the Philippines or the other nations we have dispute with!it belongs to china since ancient times we have the proof god damm it why the UN won't accept our claims!"Dong Dechou bellowed

"Fallout america is causing mass destabilization of our claims to the south china sea.Curse those Americans always minding their business in one should not what do the americans see themselves as huh spreaders of freedom and democracy?They overthrow governments that does not share pro american interest.The Philippines and the vietnamese seems to be inspired from fallout america invasion of fallout china as they are now standing up to us.Now the countries that have a border dispute with us under the nine dash line is seeing us as a paper dragon as now the now they don't see china as a invincible army but a paper dragon is all fallout america fault!"General Li wei said

"General Li wei is right, now the americans troops stationed in south Korea is inspired by their fallout american counterparts as their morales have increased to drastic levels,the threats I have sent to south Korea of atomic destruction have been met with the south blasting K-pop music into my nation of north Korea!"Kim jong un said angrily

"The worst thing is of the news of fallout america liberating fallout Korea during the sino american war, my officials have been hard on stopping this flow of information into my nation as smugglers have managed a untold number of fallout earth history into my nation especially about the liberation of Korea from the communist forces this is bad as this will undoubtedly destroy the myth that the north Korean military can defeat the US military in a all out war! Fallout america may unintentionally cause my people to revolt against me! You know what will happen right if I am overthrown?The imperialist american troops will be on china doorstep across the yalu river."Kim jong un said

"You think I don't know that,I also need to deal with the problem of the Chinese military being viewed as a paper dragon as fallout america release footage of fallout Chinese troops surrendering when seeing the t-51b power armor troops this is something the Chinese people must not see!As this is humiliation of the highest degree surrendering when seeing enemy forces in power armor scare you so much you surrender,those Chinese troops are cowards surrendering to those fallout americans."Dong Dechou said

"Sir, preventing the history of fallout earth from reaching 1.4 billion Chinese is impossible to accomplish we can try but we can only accomplish so much and if we intervene in north Korea to stop the revolt we will face the wrath of American troops in power armor mowing down Chinese troops as fallout america have sold their power armor to america,the casualties will be worst than the Korean in 1950."general Li wei said.

"General I don't care about that I want the history of fallout earth censored in china got it.If not, you will be how should I said 'dismissed' in very interesting ways got it,the power armor problem I will discuss it later"Dong Dechou said in a icy tone

"Of course Sir,I won't let you down."General Li wei said as he hurried away to do the President bidding.

"Sir, we need to do something other than censoring the history of fallout earth in china as most of the Chinese have already seen it. Many Chinese have already begin to lose faith in the government and have begin to stage protest all over china, fallout america have unintentionally caused mass protest of freedom and democracy all over china demanding the current CCP government dissolved and hold elections."General Peng said

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