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Ukraine Chernobyl
The government of Ukraine has accepted fallout america offer to clean up Chernobyl many news channels such as CNN, MSNBC,fox news and cbs is streaming the event live as the gecks are used to decontaminate the area free of radiation many citizens of the surrounding areas are happy thinking that their wish has been granted some think that God has granted them their wish especially those who was there during the incident when it happened.

"This is reporter Sofia from MSNBC,as you can see fallout america scientist and other scientist are now using the geck or known as the garden of Eden creation kit to clear the area of radiation according to the plan they will first clear the surrounding area free of radiation to set up a base to regroup before they head to the epicenter of the crisis reactor 4 where one of worst nuclear disaster in modern history occured.As you can see and hear the gieger counter is going up now,wait the gieger counter is actually going down the effects are fast looks like this technology is not a hoax after all."

Comments section
"The people of Ukraine thanks you fallout america!"
"Fallout America don't listen to what china says"
"You can have citizenship in Ukraine"

Chernobyl reactor 4
Scientist with radiation gear entered the premise due to the high levels of radiation it is decided they will take some rad away to clear the bodies of radiation though it is bitter,they still take it as it is better than the alternative. Scientist 1 said"Never in my life would I see a piece of technology able to heal places of radiation this technology can save millions of people we must have this tech so people won't fear nuclear power anyone as there is a technology to clean it if things goes south."
Scientist 2 said"Wonder if fallout america will sell this tech as they are now selling Mr handy and some military robots to america, saying this I would like to have a Mr handy so my wife would not have to do so much house work."
Scientist 1 said"I have spent 20 years of my life research a way to heal Chernobyl as I have seen pictures of it before the disaster it is a beautiful place so I want to heal it again never have I thought the technology to heal it is in another alternate earth."
Scientist 2 said"yea it will be a field day for scientist to find a world similar to ours and a magic fantasy world,some people are saying that the 2nd gate opened to fallout earth is a gift to our earth as we can see the horrors of nuclear war."
As they chat they can see the lid of reactor 4 lying in a 15 degree angle very unstable the radiation here is immense they immediately begin implement the geck to heal the place of radiation after a few moments the radiation subsided to normal levels news anchor went in to flim it to their surprise the gieger counter reading is normal the radiation here is cleared.

"This is John from fox news,as you can see the radiation here would have killed us in moments but due to fallout america technology we have managed to get the radiation here back to normal, it is erie in here as no one has been here for decades everything here seems like a ghost town maybe after the placed is healed people can start to resettle the land they once lost to radiation."

Comments section
"Help fallout america rebuild!"
"Thank you fallout america and remember if you need any help please tells us we would like to help you like you help us"
"Fallout america is the best"
"God bless the united states of America"

But many scientists knew it is not over as during the Chernobyl incident a huge mass of radioactive lava burn it's way out of the reactor 4 and begin to sink to the basement of the plant the radioactive lava soon cool down in the basement and soon to be known as the elephant foot a highly radioactive mass of corium formed from the worst nuclear disaster in history.The Ukraine scientist consumed more rad away and made it to the basement containing the elephant foot when they entered the gieger counter which is already ticking like crazy went even more crazy. Scientist begin to apply the geck on the elephant foot but due to the highly radioactivity of the elephant foot it took several days for the geck to work on the elephant foot after several days the radiation is deemed safe the scientist that worked on the elephant foot is taken to a decontamination chamber to be cleanse and double checked to prevent any radioactive element from coming out.

"This is Trevor from CNN as you can see now the elephant foot what is once the most dangerous object on earth is now just harmless mass of material it radiation gone due to geck technology,many scientists are praising this as the greatest achievement in history as the radiation in Chernobyl if not for geck technology the radiation would have  last for several hundred thousand years.The people of Ukraine are marching in the streets praising fallout america for cleaning up Chernobyl with many saying they want to start a charity fun to help fallout america rebuild itself from the nuclear war it suffered."

Comments section
"Help fallout america rebuild a good deed must be rewarded"
"Fallout america the best nation on earth"

The European union thanks Fallout america for cleaning up chernobyl.
In Ukraine many people march in streets of Ukraine waving fallout american flags alongside their national flag while chanting anti communist slogan which irritated china as china smear campaign to paint fallout america as the instigator of the great war of 2077 has failed but this is not the end as the Chinese president has ordered his staff to begin a new smear campaign against fallout america.

Due to fallout america technology clearing Chernobyl free of radiation the president of Ukraine offer immediate citizenship to any fallout americans if they want to migrate to his county.Many European nations soon do the same. The nation that has started to offer fallout americans citizenship is france, Germany,great Britain and Poland many other pro western county are doing the same.

Not only in European nations are offering fallout americans citizenship but Japan as well as due to the history of the resources war where america liberated Japan from communist rule made prime minister motoi to offer citizenship to fallout america troops as they free Japan from china.Many Japanese citizens are posting positive content about fallout america saying how they could benefit from fallout america nuclear technology to make their nation even stronger and many japanese citizens want to have a good relationship with fallout america as one japanese on Twitter wrote"what wrong with having friendship with fallout america,we got a friendship with one america why not two americas?"
Reply to the comments
"Yes,what better than one america?2 americas"
"The people of Japan welcomes you fallout america"

Due to fallout america clearing Chernobyl free of radiation,many pro america marches is happening throughout the world, president dirrel and president Daniel are shocked as their pr stunt to boost fallout america image throughout the world has exceeded expectations.

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