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"This is reporter Sofia from MSNBC,new footage is released about the sino american war and Chinese expansionist war,it shows that the  Chinese has liberator bots that shoots lasers and spout Chinese propaganda but it easily destroyed.Now I will hand my time to military expert and historian expert James Wilson."Sofia ended

"Well thank you,all of these new footage about the war help us military experts to think of new strategy of fighting wars and how laser weaponry can be implemented effectively into the ranks of the military,the Chinese liberator bots looks weak as it can easily defeated,the real danger in these liberator bots is the sheer headache it causes as you need to spend a huge amount of resources to clear them out and in a world running out of resources your nation is going on a downwards spiral towards losing the war,I think the most effective way is to use a EMP grenade and blast the area destroying all those liberator bots I am sure with fallout america technology emp grenade should have been developed."

"Sci Fi weapons used in a war that has no morality I can only think of the horror it caused to the civilians population."Sofia said

"You don't need to think the footage shown by fallout america show everyone shelling each other with explosives,plasma, chemical all sorts of things it is basically a genocidal war."James Wilson said

"Also speaking of civilians,the civilians population story is the saddest of them all,as they are caught in the crossfire of the two most powerful military that has ever existed in history,shelled by artillery, chemical bombs, biological weapons unleashed on them,firebomb by sci Fi jets, soldiers on both sides don't give a damm about the Geneva convention and just shoot everything that pose a threat to them and lastly targeted by nuclear weapons."James Wilson said

Comments section
"Damm those liberator bots looks like ants."
"Looks like the liberator bots failed as fallout america still stands and manage to drive their way to Beijing."
"Fallout america most likely have emp weaponry."
"Does anyone find it weird that fallout america culture looks like it is from the 1950s."
"Being a civilian population during the resource war must suck as basically you have the Chinese military going  crazy on invading you and you have the american military going nuts as well."
A reply wrote"being a civilian must suck during the sino american war as basically you have 2 military both being a giant jerk to one another and to the civilian population."
"If the gate opened to fallout earth before the bombs fell, I wonder what would happen."
A reply wrote"I tell you what would have happened,the invasion to fallout earth is  crushed, military drones scout falmart,plans drawn and nuke every single city belonging to the saderan empire so in a few months the war would have been over,be glad the gate opened to fallout earth after the bombs has fallen if it was before the bombs fell, everybody in sadera is basically dead, falmart cities would have been turn to a radioactive crater glowing with fury of the sun, remember fallout earth is way more brutal than us."

"This is Clark from IGN,a fallout game called 'Fallout left behind' has gained huge hype especially in the united states of America as the game focus on a US soldier making his way back home to america after the bombs will be made by dice"IGN

Comments section
"Can't wait"
"Going back to america while fighting raiders, mutant creature, ghouls? Sign me up."
"Dice please be good, don't mess this up."
"Will there be a Nazi zombie mode in this?"
A reply wrote"bro this is not cod,this is made by DICE."
"if dice made this right,it will surely gain huge amount of money."
"I am US veteran of the navy seal I am looking forward to play this game I have high hopes for it, don't let me down dice."

"This is Clark from IGN, Activision had just announced that they will be making a fallout game called 'Fallout freedom' according to what we know 'Fallout freedom' is about a US soldier fighting his way through mainland china during the sino american war."

Comments section
"Plot twist, fallout freedom is a prequel to 'fallout left behind'"
A reply wrote"spoiler alert"
"Would be really funny if fallout freedom is a prequel to fallout left behind."

"This is John from fox news,it appears that fallout america is selling it's beverages to the our world,the beverage had been tested and deemed save for consumption the drink is Nuka cola according to our post apocalyptic counter part it is the most popular drink in the wasteland"

Comments section
"Cool I want to try one"
"Looks like coca cola meets it's brother Nuka cola
"Coca cola vs Nuka cola,the battle of the colas here we go."

myanimelist had recently announced a new anime being made.The anime will be focusing on the Sino american war of the liberation of Japan where you play as female jsdf soldier sabotaging chinese defenses to make way for american troops to liberate Japan from communist rule  .The anime will be called 'Fallout resistance' this garnered a huge hype and response as evident in the comments section below

Comments section
"Anime meets world war 3"
"A anime about the sino american war  sign me up."
"Hope the anime studio who is making this can pull this off."
"Glad to see more of the war from different sides of the war from other militaries other than just the US military."

Warner brothers soon released a trailer for a move called 'Fallout Paris resistance' according to the director the movie will focus on the french military preventing the Germany army from invading the rest of Europe.This has garnered a huge response as most of the movies,games and anime made about the fallout wars is all based in the ones that america fought but the new movie made by warner brothers is about the french military trying to prevent the German army from taking all of Europe by itself.The people are excited as evident in the comments section below.

Comments section
"Hope France don't surrender."
"Why did Germany become a fascist state again"
"Germany becoming a fascist state during a world war,looks like history repeat itself."
A reply wrote"hey third 3 time the charm right?"
"This is a interesting take of the fallout wars as it shows the other perspectives of other nations during the war in which will eventually rip the world apart."

Fallout belongs to
Betheasda softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

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