Plot failed

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"by the gods,this world is a mess, although it is not as bad when the mainstream media went in but still there is ruin buildings in these places."Zi hao a Chinese infiltrator said

"We must ensure fallout america does not regain her pre war military might as it will be a threat to Iran."Pavis said

"The environment here is better a year ago as the radiation levels is down by a margin but still dangerous,it seems the gecks are doing it's work."kah hao said

"The nuclear weapons used according to fallout america is salted weapons,it is designed to give off huge amount of radiation at the cost of explosive power."Shen zao said

"So you all got the false documents?how are we going to fool the UN guards?"Arash asked

"The Chinese government is very skilled in forging false documents and are experts in infiltration as well in stealing tech,here is the forge documents all of you take one."Shen zao said as he give his allies their forge documents.

"All of you get ready,our info says we are going to be UN guards protecting the engineers rebuilding fallout america buildings."Kah hao said

"Damm the UN helping an imperialist nation rebuild."Pavis said

"That's is where we come in to ensure fallout america never recover to her pre war might the last thing we need is fallout america regaining her pre war might and joins NATO."Arash said

The group of Iranian and Chinese infiltrators then proceed to walk to a UN base named 'New hope'

They are soon briefed that they will be heading to the capital wasteland to clear up a nest of super mutants and deathclaws.

"Sir,if you will excuse me but I thought that we are supposed to protecting engineers while they rebuild the nation?"Pavis asked

"There has been a change of plans, fallout america wants their capital to be cleared of mutants to boosts morale as one of the higher up fallout american officers requested this."Colonel Cody said

"Wait aren't you the colonel that went on a tour of fallout america on tv a few months ago?"Kah hao asked

"Yes,due to me going on a tour with fallout america,I was chosen to be in charge of this base due to me have a more understanding of the situation here so yea."Colonel Cody said

"So,who will be taking us to the capital wasteland."Arash asked

"I am,I will also be in charge of giving all of you food."Lena said

"Who are you?"Zi hao asked

"I am captain Lena of the US military that is all I am going to tell you the rest is classified under matters of national security,the AC 130 will be here shortly so get ready,I recommend bringing heavy weapons as you will need it"Lena said

"Got it"Pavis said

Soon the group of infiltrators left,when Lena is alone she contacted other members of task force one

"This is Lena of task force one I have the group of infiltrators will attempt to feed those infiltrators serum x which will attract every single mutant in a 30km radius."

"This is great,wonder how will our mutated wildlife thinks of communist and religious hardliners as food."Mark said

The AC 130 soon landed in a newly constructed air field which the UN constructed to allow aircraft to fly in the skies in greater numbers.

Everyone soon get in the AC 130 which took off, in the gunship people start to go through what they have.

"So we are given M4 assault rifles?"Arash asked

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