Operation link up part 4

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"A few days ago the jsdf launch an attack on the city of tetra capturing the city within hours and according to general Hazama that the death toll would be higher if the fallout american F108 rapier has not arrived on time to destroy the 5000 army strong force that is send to retake the city from the jsdf,due to this japanese prime minister motoi praise fallout america for helping Japan.It seems operation link up is nearing it's end with only some key cities to be taken,the main goal is to take the city of Dale which seems to be in the middle of dalmus hill and alnus hill."-CNN

Alnus hill
"So when are we going to assault the city of Dale considering the bulk of the 100000 strong reinforcement army led by Legate doras has made it's base in the city of Dale."General Hazama said

After the battle for the city of tetra, general Hazama has called general William Wales for discussion on how to proceed with battle as although he is older than general William Wales,he did not have the experience that William has as he is one of the generals who helped planned for the sino american war and due to this has more experience in war than him.

"No,I recommend we perform an encircle movement to trap the 100000 strong imperial army as no doubt they will be using civilians as human shields.My recommendations is to meet our forces 10km from here and take several forts in the surrounding area which will gives us several advantages and besides that,the forts which will be going to take gives whoever controls it a clear eye of the the road that leads to the city of Dale,do this we starve them submission as no supplies can get to them, after taking the fort I will send several regiments of American troops equipped with stealth suits to cause terror among the army and when their will is broken we enter the city and crush all who stand in our way."General William Wales said

"Your plan sounds great William,I will plan accordingly to your idea."general Hazama said

The screen hosting general William Wales then faded to black as the meeting has ended.

City of herm
It's been a few days after the battle for the city,the civilians mood seems to be accepting of America occupation in their city,in order to win trust in the civilian population of the city general William Wales has ordered robots to rebuild houses for the remaining population and gave them medical treatment,the civilian population hail the fallout american troops as angels as the stimpack technology cause wounds to heal in seconds and the cure made by curie cure every single illness in the city.

"Sir, general William Wales want to see you sir."A american soldier called out to Jackson

Jackson soon went to the coms center to talk to the general.

"Captain,get ready your men,we will be taking a enemy fort named fort vautris,we will be working alongside the jsdf to take the fort so there will be no chemical munitions allowed in this battle got it,a new wave of troops will taking care of the city you captured"William said

"I got it sir."Jackson said

Jackson went out of the coms center and said"Alright men,get ready your weapons we will taking a enemy fort soon so I recommend to check your weapons so that your weapons don't fail you."

American troops then begin to check their weapons.

After checking their weapons,troops boarded IFV or vertibirds to take them to their destination.

City of tetra
"Alright men of the jsdf I have just received orders from general Hazama to take fort vautris,we will be working alongside fallout american troops to accomplish the mission."itami said

"So we will be seeing more sci Fi tech,I can't wait to see lasers,railguns in battle."Sergeant takeo kurata said

"So you are a sci Fi nerd as well?"Sergeant First Class Shino Kuribayashi said

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