clash of two worlds

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The journey to the alnus hill. Pina saw the might of the jsdf and further solidified her conclusion that this war is war of self destruction

The group then went to the gate of alnus hill and went through it when they saw the world on the other side of the gate they are shocked beyond words as she saw towers that stretches beyond the heavens,lelei is stunned not even the best saderan engineers can accomplish such a feat

For the Jackson and his men they felt a tinge of jealously as this world did not suffer through a nuclear war.

The group waited for a bus to take them to the senate.The trip to the Senate was short.

Senator Mizuki Kōhara immediately asked"why with the jsdf advanced weapons more than 100 villagers were killed"
Itami said"the enemy we faced is the flame dragon according to testing the scales of the flame dragon is harder than tungsten which is basically a flying tank"
Senator Mizuki Kōhara immediately asked"is it true?"
A scientist said"it's true these scales is harder than tungsten"
Senator Mizuki Kōhara then ask the special region inhabitants if the jsdf mistreated them but all of them replied no and said the jsdf treated better than all faction in their world
Rory mecury said"you are a cunning senator are you twisting facts,just so you can look good aren't you"
Senator Mizuki Kōhara said"I don't what rules are in the special region but here on earth we respect our seniors!"
Rory mecury is about to lose it and itami hold Rory back,and said"I must warn you Rory is the oldest one here"
"What do you mean?"senator Mizuki Kōhara said, Rory then replied"I am 961 years old" everyone is shocked trying to hide her embarrassment asked about the other guest

Jackson walked up and said" I am captain Samuel Jackson from the united states of America" upon hearing the world dropped in shock Jackson then said"I was part of the us army when the resource war come from 2052 to 2077"
"Are you from the future"senator Mizuki Kōhara said.
Jackson replied" I am not the future of this world but the future of my world where since the year 2077 has been trying to recover from a nuclear war that occured in the same year"

"You mean to tell me you are survivor of a nuclear war?" Senator Mizuki Kōhara.
Jackson replied"I was part of the us army in china when the bombs fell I was some of the few us soldiers that made it back across America."

"So how did this nuclear war started"president dirrel asked.
jackson replied"my world is running out of resources so china invade Anchorage Alaska to secure the last reserve of oil on the planet "
Senator 1 said"The united nations must have done something about this."
Jackson then explain how the united nations disbanded in 2052 making a free for all. The European commonwealth invaded middle east for oil only to find nothing before becoming nuclear wasteland before the great war. Jackson then showed them the footage of the war and explained to them how the world went to hell, viewers around the world saw the footage of the resource wars and seeing chemical munitions and biological weapons used during the resource wars and the blatant disregard of the Geneva convention ,causing many viewers around the world to shut off their television as they could not handle the scale of the war and dead.Many people in the japanese senate walked out.

Jackson then showed the sino american war how the us military enacted the draft policy and raised a army of 20 million troops to invade china, the Gobi camping, Yangtze campaign and the us troops in power armor mowing down thousands of chinese troops down to the very ground they stand,the destruction of Chinese supplies of the Chinese army stretch china to the breaking point and us troops on the doors of Beijing, lastly the bombs falling as china is backed to a corner with nothing to lose launch the nukes, america then launch the nukes followed by the Soviet union then remaining nations on earth a unstoppable chain reaction of everyone launching their nukes at each other.

Jackson then shows them of footage of the bombs dropping and destroying everything in their way. Many people cried at seeing their homes being reduced to cinders causing a major uproar.

Jackson then said"the united states of America is the only functional country left on my world and I beg this world would help us to heal our world from the ashes of nuclear war"

Presiden dirrel then said"we can discuss that at the UN, I need to speak what left of your america."

Jackson then replied"thank you"

The Chinese president is furious at these america soldiers as their very presence angered him as many military experts say invading china is impossible and theses capitalist did just that and according to them china shot the first shot the nuclear war,this increase his hatred of america.

Prime minister motoi said"wait what happened to Japan in your world?"
Jackson replied"Japan was annexed by china and later liberated by america troops before getting nuke by china after the bombs fell we have been trying to contact Japan and other nations to see if any nations survived the war.
Many japanese citizens gasped at the response and immediately felt a sense of sympathy for their counterparts.

Fallout belongs to
Bethesda Softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

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