Last city before sadera

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Alnus hill

"So now we just need to take the city of Madrid, after this city is taken we will basically be at the gates of sadera."general William Wales said at from a screen.

"Yes,I agree this is the way to go but what about the slaves?"general Hazama said in a worried tone.

"The other apostles are working with us to evacuate the slaves and those who want nothing of the empire.The evacuation is almost complete I think by the time we take the city of Madrid the slaves and the non-combatants will be all evacuated leaving the cities under the imperial government left with nothing but pro war people making it a prime target for nukes."general William Wales said

"I agree,I think it's best we assault the city now."general Hazama said

"Ah,yes."general William Wales said before his screen cut off.

General then called a jsdf soldier to come to his office.

"Tell the jsdf and fallout American troops at the city of molt to get ready to assault the city of Madrid, air strikes will begin shortly."general Hazama said

"Yes sir"the jsdf soldier said as he walked of the office.

City of molt
"Huh,I just received orders to take the city of Madrid."Jackson said

"Same as well."itami said

"Just get ready."Randall Clark said

Above them jsdf jets and fallout American F108 rapier soar through the skies breaking the sound barrier in the process.

The jsdf with Rory, Delilah, tyuule and Mamina get into a IFV to assault the city of Madrid.

"Why are you not coming with us?"Delilah asked

"Well we have the 'angels of death' to pilot remember."Jackson said

"Oh nevermind sorry."Delilah said as she looked at the power armor that Jackson and his men is wearing.The power armor seem to command power and fear at the same looks like a angry angel ready to unleash divine fury on the sinful.

The door of the IFV closes and drives off.

Other IFV drove off as well.

"Ready to fly?"Jackson asked

"Hey where is colonel Johnson?"James asked

"Colonel Johnson power armor needs a new fusion core as he used huge amount of fusion power to kill Tigre the dragon,his power armor is currently swapping a new fusion core should be ready in a day from now."Randall Clark replied.

"Men,get ready to fly."Jackson said

Immediately the jet pack thrusters at the back of the power armor begins to burn, fiery trails begin to appear, the ground surrounding them begin to vibrate and shake.

"Lift off!"Jackson shouted in his coms

The power armor took off the ground with tremendous force huge coloums of dirt thrown everywhere.

High in sky above the city of molt several power armor can been seen hovering with trails of fire behind them.

Jackson and his men though of a scythe and immediately a plasma scythe appeared in their hands glowing white with hints of gold.

"It's the angels of death!it can't be denied!look at the weapon they carry a scythe,the very weapon that the angel of death uses, please spare me."a local said

"Please spare us."other said as they knelt on the ground.

The 'angels of death' then took off leaving behind a huge sonic boom that can be heard throughout the city.

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