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Sanctuary hills year 2080
"There goes the last one"captain Samuel Jackson mumbled to himself as lift he lift up his all American assault rifle and aim it at a pack of ghouls to kill it 5.56mm bullets tore through the ghouls like they are nothing. Sergeant Randall Clark sprints to captain Samuel Jackson and said"An unknown gate has appeared in Boston and legions of men has come out of it!"Jackson replied"I know losing your wife,city and children engulfed in nuclear fire is something one can never forget."

Just then a voice thundered" Savages,you can't even speak the language of the empire and I need to waste my magic on language translation and voice amplifier,oh well this is the request I had of you by the decree of emperor molt this world belongs to the saderan empire those who resist will be killed and their severed heads will be paraded throughout falmart!"

A great chill went up captain jackson and Randall Clark spine as they heard this words before Jackson speak up "We will never bow down to anyone,inform high command of the danger and the weapons use by this so called magic army"

Legate Sagittarii pov
This world is ripe for the taking its look like it been through a war, we have encountered and enslaved several of their people,I immediately ordered my troops to look for any treasure this world has, and by the gods the moment I entered this world there is familiar taste of metal in my mouth I have tried to wash it off but it does not go off. I immediately ordered a captured otherworldly to be brought to me I immediately ask him where is the army and the capability of the otherworldly army,the otherworldly immediately began laughing saying the saderan empire will be destroyed as the us military has abandoned all forms of humanity and will kill us all.This insult to saderan power will not stand I immediately have him skinned alive the otherworldly last words chilled me to the bones as he said"the taste of metal is posion and one by one of your men shall lose their sanity and become ghouls my world is a dead world full of dangers beyond your wildest dreams, the us military will be on top of your asses now." I drive my sword through the otherworlder killing him instantly.

2 days later
The otherworlder is correct by the gods my men is all dying from some form of illness men I can't describe the process but it start with the person losing their hair before coughing up blood and some of them turned into mindless beast that attacked their fellow men, speaking of beast we were attacked by a fellow lizard the size of a small house it took the lives of thousands of my men we must get one of here, I am a Legate of the Saderan empire I won't die to a dead world I demand a fair fight and honor! wait what was that is that iron golem before Legate Sagittarii is turned to pile of ash.

Back at the Cheyenne mountain complex general William Wales has reports of a gate opening up in the middle of Boston at first he had told the one that had sent the report that send this"The radiation has fried your minds what you are describing is crazy,I rather believe that the kraken exist than this shit" So for 2 days general William Wales did not bother about the gate incident until further incidents came to light about some legions welding swords killing and enslaving American with these confirmed reports and satellite imagery, he immediately ordered a despach of the us military to Boston to deal with the gate problem and secured the gate.

Immediately several vertibirds,laser jets and us army remants that has survived the great war began speeding towards Boston ready to unleash death on these roman cosplayers.

On a vertibird captain Samuel Jackson , sargeant Randal Clark begin tells their men what they are going to face after the explanation is over,one of men under Jackson command spoke up and said"so we are facing Romans with swords I can imagine how this war will be described by the us military propaganda my guess will be it will say after the great war nearly wipe out america and in the irritated remains of Boston a gate opened with romans invading the america but america patriots fought them in the irritated waste of Boston."
"You can write a novel" said Andrew
Then James spoke up"I hope this gate will lead us to a world without radiation a world that is not drained of resources, a world where we can start over and heal our world from the fires of nuclear weapons"

Not everyone thought of that the gate beyond the world is untouched by the great war before anyone can continue sargeant Randal Clark said"alright everyone enough of tales we can continue it after we secured this area ready your rifles."

When they landed legions of saderan troops rush Clark, Jackson and their men but they were mowed by R91 rifles,all American assault rifle and by lasers rifles.

This scene is common as the us military moved in to clear Saderan troops, saderan weyerns were turned to ash by lasers shot by fighter jets and vertibirds a few mages tries to stop the slaughter but is hit by 50 mini nukes shot by American soldiers in t-51 power armor. The American t-51 power armor gives a single american soldier the firepower to mow down thousands of troops down to the very ground they stand, so devastating were this army piece of equipment that reports of Chinese troops were immediately surrendering upon seeing American troops in t-51 power armor today the Saderan were learning the exactly same lesson

Legate Sagittarii is confused and scared this world, this dead world how they can mow down his army with such impunity this is a butchery of war, enemy troops were using staves that causes saderan troops to have holes in their body or in some worst cases turned to ash by some bright red light.Flying pegasus kills hundreds of imperial troops at once as the vertibirds commits mini nuke runs on his forces. Legate Sagittarii immediately ordered his troops to retreat beyond but his horse and his men were turn to ash and in front of him 3 american soldier in t-51 power armor point their laser gatling guna at him. Legate immediately gets up from the fall he recovered and demanded a sword fight one to one but the laser gatling guns of the t-51 soldier immediately began spinning and lasers turn Legate Sagittarii to nothing but a pile of ash

Survive saderan soldiers flock to the gate to escape only 90 escaped the bloodbath the rest of the 80000 thousand sent through the gate were killed or captured sometimes they face a fate worst than death they became test subjects for unethical technology.The 90 saderan soldiers who escaped the bloodbath though the gods blessed them with luck to escape the slaughter but after making reports to Legate Caesar they died of radiation as their bodies began to melt so painful were of this experience that the 90 troops that escape the gate begged to be put to the sword to ease their pain

Fallout belongs to
Bethesda Softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

Gate old world bluesWhere stories live. Discover now