Operation Link up part 1

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"This is Trevor from CNN, according to reports, fallout america and Japan is planning an offensive named operation Link up,the goal of this operation is to link the forces in the special region together,not much is said about this military operations yet,but we will keep you informed."-CNN

Special region
"Get ready your weapons we will be assaulting the city of herm 20km from here,there will be captured american slaves and I want them back all alive is it clear."Jackson said

"Yes sir!"his men replied

They soon board a IFV to get to their destination.Above them F108 rapiers flew high in the sky with nothing on falmart that can stop them, carrying plasma bombs and some carrying mustard gas munitions.

The trip to the city is quiet as everyone is nervous as although they may have superior weaponry as compared to the Saderans as this is their territory they are fighting on.

Legate Sirius POV
What is going on most of the town has been struck down by sickness. Over 1000 people have died,is the gods against us when we are invaded a plaque swept the lands could it be the gods are angry at us?no I must not let such thoughts get into my head,I have ordered those who are not sick to retreat into the city and those who are sick I ordered them to be killed so that this plaque will not spread,hey is that the iron dragons of the otherworlders, they are back and there are several of them what are they dropping? Are they dropping clouds? What is going on?

The F108 rapier reached the city of herm without any resistance and when they are in target the jets released their payloads of mustard gas onto the city those who are not affected by the new plaque soon fell victim to the mustard gas barrage by the jets of fallout america.Thousands of people were killed, the skin melted off,those who breathe in the gas soon suffered even worst as the gas begin to eat their way out.Hundreds of soldiers fell victim to the gas but the horror has not yet ended as it only had just began,the second wave of F108 rapier come and this time instead of releasing mustard gas it released plasma bombs the city soon have a greenish glow as it is soon is engulfed in plasma a sea of plasma is created.Wooded houses and stone fortification were no match for plasma bombs many were just melted as plasma is extremely hot.

An unknown imperial soldier POV

By the gods!the death toll must have reached the thousands thankfully I am at the city walls as the sea of greenish light did not get to me due to the height of the walls, the first wave of iron dragons released some form of toxic cloud that chocked thousands of people to death,while people are still chocking to death I won't describe the process but their skin literally just melt off like wax.Next is the greenish wave unleashed by the next wave of the iron dragons the places housing the military and the residential area is all gone except for the place where one is holding slaves as the places holding the salves is placed underground.

"Get off the IFV we are going to charge the walls of the city Andrew use your gauss rifle to snipe enemy archers,James do the same thing with your laser rifle.!"Jackson exclaimed

"Yes sir!"Andrew and James said in unison

Both Andrew and James begin to find cover in the environment where they soon found several trees.Both of them decided to climb the tree to help in sniping enemy archers.

Randall Clark saw several 5 imperial soldier charge him at once but he immediately raise up his R91 assault rifle and fired several times at the 5 charging enemy troops killing them instantly.

Jackson fired his all American assault rifle to provide cover for other american troops to assault the city.He saw an enemy archer took aim at Randal Clark, without hesitation he lift up his all American assault rifle and fired 5 shots at the archer,the archer just fell back with blood splatter around where he fell.

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