Assault on proptor

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Skies above proptor
Fallout america F108 jets and jsdf jets flew above the sky unchallenged,the jsdf jets released it's air to air missiles blowing up fortifications,many structures containing military personnel is destroyed.Fallout america F108 jets released it's payload of mustard gas on the port of proptor,the toxic gas killed countless amount of saderan troops.

Jsdf jets after finishing their bombing run return to strafe the port to increase the amount of enemies killed.Fallout america F108 jets opened up with it's 4 HER90 heavy air to air laser cannons strafing the landing spot of where the fallout america and jsdf forces would land to decrease the amount of enemy forces waiting for them at the beach to reduce casualties.F108 rapier return to strafe the harbor for any saderan ships sending those ships to a watery grave in the sea.

Aboard the ships carrying troops
"Get ready,we are landing on proptor check your rifles."Jackson said

Everybody begins to check their weapons to ensure it does not fail.
Overhead they can see the F108 rapier unleashed it's 4 HER90 heavy air to air laser cannons onto the enemy,the sight is a wonder to behold especially for the warrior bunny Delilah and siren myuute.They can feel the power of those weapons even before they land.The smoke and fires coming out of proptor after being firebombed,gassed, strafe by lasers is a scene of the underworld.

"How can anyone survived that and yet continue to fight?"Andrew asked

"Saderan stupidity,they think they can win by throwing huge amount of troops and win as evident in the artic war,I don't mind them at the receiving end of your otherworldly divine weapons."myuute said with hatred at the Saderan empire

"I can't believe I am right next to a siren."James said

The ship soon made landfall the ramp of the landing craft opened.Immediately they were assailed by a hail of arrows, myuute then use her wind magic to blow those arrows away

"Get of the beach,you are most vulnerable at the beach so move!"Randall Clark shouted at the top his lungs

Jsdf and fallout American forces that just landed heeded his order and begin to rush off the beach to prevent themselves from becoming a target.

Several ogre rush towards Andrew, Andrew then fired his gauss rifle at the head of the ogre killing it instantly as the heads of the ogre is torn off by the gauss rifle with extreme force.

"Lieutenant itami,I just realized something."Takeo Kurata said

"What is it?"itami asked

"The Saderan empire are no longer using men as it's main fighting force to fight as most of the enemy forces we encountered are all mostly compromised of orcs,goblins and ogre with a few men and elves in it."Takeo Kurata

"This is worrying"Delilah said

"What do you mean Delilah?"itami said

"Normally the Saderan empire would not employ so many dark races,the dark races are basically goblins,orcs,trolls and ogre the rest are lost to history long ago,rumors say those dark creatures that are lost are sealed in hardy realm to prevent them from wrecking havoc on the mortal realm,to control so many of these dark races,hardy must be involved in this"Delilah said

"So gods are involved now,that just great."Shino Kuribayashi said

"Ok, tales are over let's go and take over this port."itami said.

Jsdf soon joined besides Jackson squad and charge of the beach while fighting monsters along the way.

"Itami watch out goblin on your left!"Jackson shouted as he fired his all American assault rifle at the goblin killing it instantly.

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