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"I propose sharing the geck to heal Chernobyl from radiation to get good publicity points as gate china is waging a smear campaign against fallout america does not help the fact that north Korea has threatened to nuke us,Iran is declaring us a enemy we don't have our pre war military might due to the great war even with fabricators to rebuild the military we still got a long way to go reclaim our pre war era." General William Wales said, president Daniel said"I agree,I also suggest we accept general Abraham proposal in joining a alliance to protect ourselves as we are currently extremely weak can't afford to have a new theater in war."

At gate earth white house
President dirrel with his generals meet fallout america president and general. General Abraham shook the hands of general William Wales and said"I would like to know how you deploy the robots to fight against the Chinese as we are still new to it, no point acquiring new technology but unable to use it's full potential and a alliance with us to prevent Iran from aquiuring nuclear weapons." William replied"I would love too,I can discuss tatics used during the sino american war and discuss joining an alliance."

President Daniel said"hear me out the gecks can be used to terraform area to a zone free of radiation to basically a safe zone,I suggest we use this tech at radioactive areas in your earth to gain some goodwill from as you know china is how should I say not taken kindly to our presence."

Dirrel said"I know many consider your nation as a devil.The actions your nation did during the resource war has shocked many around the world as many people especially americans could not believe america will decent to such evil to stay alive."

Daniel said"well,with the world going crazy, resource running out, tensions rising,a nuclear explosion in the middle east and a nation trying to invade you,you gotta do what you need to do to survive the hell, that's why I want to use geck tech to heal radiation hotspots such as Chernobyl to score some good will and give the impression that fallout america does not want to do such evil but it must be done to keep the nation afloat or else we would have fallen to anarchy or worst annexed by other nations you saw the brutality of the resource war the Geneva convention is basically ignored by all waring factions,the UN collapsing making it a free for all"

Dirrel said"I know by the way those robots such as Sargent gusty can last a very long time this gives me the idea to deploy it in US bases in Iraq to prevent Iran from doing anything funny such as launching missiles."

Daniel said"let's leave this to our generals,we talk about how the geck can clear places of radiation."

Dirrel then ask the white house correspondent to open a meeting immediately to tell the world the planning of using geck to clear areas of radiation.

White House meeting
"This is Trevor from CNN, the president has called a press conference saying that something big is about to happen." On cue president dirrel and president Daniel walk into the briefing and Daniel said"I will be handing my time over to president dirrel to explain what we have discussed." Dirrel said"thank you Daniel, me and president Daniel has discussed about using the geck to heal radiation disaster on our earth such as Chernobyl to strengthen our relationship."
Man news reporters are silent about this clearing Chernobyl free of radiation that will be some of the greatest achievement in the 21st century.Immediately reporters raise their hands and started to bombard dirrel with questions asking when this will happen dirrel responded"now,we need to discuss with various government to see if they want this tech to be used in their country I hope they will allow it."
"This is reporter Sofia from MSNBC,what you are saying will revolutionized how we view our world nuclear power will be much safer due to this tech will this lead to reduction of safety protocols for nuclear technology?"
Dirrel replied"No, introduction of geck to the world does not mean that safety protocols for handling nuclear technology will decrease it must held to the highest standard,we must not always relied on geck to clear our messes,now I will hand my time over to president Daniel."
"Thank you president dirrel, any questions you want to ask?" Daniel enquired
"This is John from fox news I would like to ask what is the fate of other nations in your earth?many people are curious about their counterpart."
President Daniel said"look,the smoke,soot and ash thrown up into the sky by the nukes block out all possible views of establishing visual contact with the surface we use other methods such as listening to radio transmission or try to find gaps in the clouds to catch a glimpse of the surface,due to this we can accurately guess what happened to other nations."

"I would like to know what happened to other nations based on your best evidence."John said

Daniel said"This will be a long one let's start with the Soviet union,the surface of the Soviet union is overrun with mutants especially in Moscow the only way people could have survived if they fled underground to escape from the radiation,France surface is contaminated with radiation especially in paris,the french people in order to survive must have fled to the catacombs to escape the radiation similar to the ones at Moscow, Japan is bombed to a crater we have retrieve records of them trying to design a spaceship to escape earth to begin a new on the lunar surface I hope they succeeded my world has too many stories when it end in tragedy,south America rainforest adapted to the radiation the people live in massive fortresses to fend themselves against the mutants."

Daniel said"well let's move on the discussion of the gecks I hope the government of Ukraine accepts our offer to heal some parts of their country from radiation."

At the Pentagon
General Abraham is discussing with General William Wales about how robots should be used such as when to deploy assaulttron and protectron.
General William Wales said"I recommend not to use robots as law enforcement as americans seeing robots arm with lasers is not a good idea I recommend putting Sargent gusty in mountainous area due to it being to hover across the battlefield,for assaulttron I recommend to put them to guard nuclear silos as my nation did it and we used it to charge enemy lines overwhelming the chinese forces through superior firepower."
Abraham said"I agree,your insight is invaluable to us,you know you must be an very good general as you and your other generals staged a successful invasion of china." William Wales said"not only china,we stage the liberation of other countries annexed by the Beijing regime the scale of the conflict is beyond imagination."
Abraham replied"I saw the footage of the sino american war the scale of the conflict made the Pacific war with Japan look like firecrackers."

William said"hey now is not the time to dwell on the past now let's focus on how you should deploy our robots to help you win wars and general Abraham I have learnt one thing from war is that war,war never changes."

Fallout belongs to
Betheasda softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

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