Into the wasteland

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Captain Samuel Jackson walk on the corpse ridden battlefield with his men , Andrew said"what kind of a enemy are we fighting?" as he picked up a broken bow and threw it into the sky."I think the imperials think they can win by overwhelming through sheer overwhelming numbers."James said as he look around the battlefield.jackson said"we got lots of cleaning to do." Andrew then said"alnus earth will be coming soon."
Although UN has refused fallout america help to become stable,press teams with us scientist,green berets were sent to gate of dalmus hill to explore the world of fallout many of them are equip with gieger counter to measure radiation, hazmat suits to protect against radiation
,weapons to defend themselves from the mutants.

Princess Pina immediately went to dalmus hill to plead for mercy,along the way she met up with the 3rd recon team, luckily 3rd recon team is heading to dalmus hill to visit fallout earth under orders from the prime minister of Japan to learn more about them.

The trip to dalmus hill is uneventful but itami and Pina can see the corpses from the failed attempt by the empire to destroy fallout america,Pina along with the rose knights look away from the scenery as the scene is too much for them to handle, corpses as far as the eye can see.Mari Kurokawa then said"looks like we need to walk" Itami then asked why in the moment their humvee got stuck when they look up a mount made of corpses.Rory immediately said"I feel they were cornered as fallout america forces lured them into a kill zone before they opened with everything they have with everyone so bundle together their weapons reap a bloody harvest."3rd recon team look at the mount,they can see signs of chemical munitions on them as evident by melting skin.itami wondered what's it's like for the saderan troops when fallout america sprung their trap on them most likely they were in fear.

Near dalmus hill
Myuute Luna Sires awoke from the worst headache ever her wind magic did not even do a thing to do the other worlders,she lift up her hand but a searing pain flash through her brain,she realized her hand is mostly burned she screamed the loudest she ever seen and began crying as her hand is not only broken but burnt as well.

Jackson heard the scream he and his men immediately went to check on the source of the scream,he found a lady with bird features and green hair,he thought is she a siren? He read those about Greek mythology during the Gobi campaign to get rid of the thought of being killed by PLA troops.The bird "lady" immediately try to run away from them only for Andrew to grab her by the shoulder and said"we are not going to kill you,here let me look at your arm,your arm must be burnt by a mini nuke don't worry you are far enough from the blast don't worry I will heal you."Andrew then grab a stimpack from his pouch and injected into myuute the wounds begin to heal, myuute eyes wondered what kind of magic is this that heals in seconds.
Myuute is then transfered to interrogation and later found not guilty thus she was released but she must help america forces clean up the corpses.

Us green beret,press core and scientist saw the corpses ridden battlefield and Cody one of green beret said"gods,so much dead there is at least a million corpses here,our american counterpart did crush those imperials,if this is fallout america military remants then I shudder to think what if the gate opened up when fallout america military is at her prime." Bimore another of the green beret said"most likely the empire will be dust by now, several cities of the empire will be nuked,the empire is lucky the gate opened after the nukes." The driver of the car said"I get anywhere closer to the hill as there is a mount of corpses Infront of us."

Myuute then begin the work of cleaning the hill of corpses she is grateful for fallout america for sparing her,when she use a shovel to dig up graves for her fallen comrades she felt a surge of anger in her how could zorzal just sent them all to die,she saw violence beyond mortal melted from posion clouds, explosion the size of trees lighting arrows that pierce through men like a hot knife through butter.She remember when they got within 800m the magic of the otherworlder intensified to the point that the frontline troops were all turned to red mist or just cease to exist the hill began a massive meat grinder,no enemy troops were killed.she then realized zorzal sent them all to die, vengeance swell in her heart as she digs the grave she also plan to torture zorzal to death.

Pina then rush to Jackson and pleaded him to take her to his leader, surprisingly he agreed.

"I am colonel Cody from the us military of gate earth, i am here to report on the problem on your world so we can get UN help" Jackson replied"I am captain Samuel Jackson of the us military of fallout earth." both of them shake hands as they look towards the gate.

Many media reporters immediately begin to put on hazmat suits as they begin to cross into fallout earth.

Pina and her knights were given hazmat suits to protect them from the radiation.

3rd recon team also did the same. Jackson then said"it will be cold there nuclear winter all that." Princess Pina asked"what is nuclear winter" Jackson replied"nuclear winter is basically all the firestorm and dust thrown up into the atmosphere by the nukes blocking out the sun,making the temperature to drop below freezing."Pina is horrified at the aftereffects of nuclear weapons,if she is in charge of sadera empire she would forbade nuclear weapons to be build.

"Everyone ready to cross into fallout earth?" Jackson asked, everyone nodded their heads and so a armor envoy came through and 3rd recon team, special region inhabitants,us green beret,press teams,us scientist board it. As the car begin to drive through the gate,the gieger counter begin to rise making the people freak out by Jackson said"don't worry,the car is designed to protect against radiation." The armor envoy then stopped and the special region and gate earth saw fallout earth as the broken scorched earth this world has become.

Fallout belongs to
Betheasda softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

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