New inventions

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"This is Reporter Sofia from MSNBC,this just in Elon musk and Mr house has just created a rocket that can go from the earth to the moon mutiple times without refueling and can re enter the earth atmosphere mutiple times without having to discard it,this is a huge leapt in technology and space exploration as this will save untold amount of resources and money.Now I am joined by Elon musk, please tell me more about the rocket."Sofia said

"Thank you for your time,any questions you want to ask?"Elon musk said

"Of course,I want to ask what is the goal of these new technology."Sofia asked

"Well some of the main reasons are to make humanity a space faring civilization,also to mine resources on other planets as the resources on our earth is not infinite thus we need to look for other options to get resources when our earth become dry of resources and not throw ourselves to total nuclear war that our counterpart did.The moon has vast amount of resources so we are sending a group of robots to the moon to mine it for resources.Last but not least is to travel the cosmos in search of new alien lifeform."Elon musk said

"So you are basically trying to make star trek a reality where people go to the stars to find new civilization to make contact with?"Sofia asked

"Yes,that is the gist of it."Elon musk said

The interview is broadcasted to the world, many people are excited as the key to explore the stars had been given to them,many people begin to watch sci Fi movies such as star and star wars more often.Many people voice their reaction in the comments section down below.

Comments section
"Star trek in real life."
"Sign me up to explore the cosmos"
"What is the rocket powered by?"
"So will there be a warp drive?"
"I would not be surprise if fallout america has some alien tech that has warp drive tech."

Pentagon (Gate earth)
"I am general Abraham and today I have called for a press conference is to announce our new ship called the USS Yorktown."general Abraham said

"Excuse me general,you could have announced this online or just let your juniors announced it why are you announcing it?"Trevor asked.

"I am hoping you saw that,the reason why I want to introduce this to you is because of the new technology it has,due to our close partnership with our post apocalyptic counter part we are able to mix our military technology together to produce something more advanced than both sides."General Abraham said

"So what is this new technology you have installed on the new ship?"Trevor asked

"Ok,I will not give you all of the ship capabilities but I will give you some,ok let begin the USS Yorktown aircraft carrier is installed with energy shields to prevent it from getting sunk by hypersonic missiles or planes or submarines.Due to this the US navy will always have air supremacy over the enemy in the oceans as usually air supremacy will determine the who is the victor in the battle.The USS Yorktown is also outfitted with laser anti aircraft weapons designed to shoot down enemy aircraft and some laser cannons to shoot down artillery shell fired by enemy warships."General Abraham said

General Abraham then showed them testing footage of the USS Yorktown in action when missiles is launched at the ship the missile just exploded before even reaching the aircraft carrier like it hit a wall.A blue field soon can been seen glowing like a dome over the aircraft carrier protecting it from the missile strike.After that it showed a torpedo being launch at the aircraft carrier but got the same results as the torpedo exploded a few hundred feet from the aircraft carrier,the blue forcefield can been seen glowing again.The footage then cuts away leaving the press and the viewers speechless.

"I have a question general,if you have energy shield on your aircraft carrier how are the jets able to take off and land? As the energy shields will just block them from leaving the aircraft carrier in the first place."Trevor asked

"Well,the energy shield on the ship are modified to only allow certain types of jets to enter,I can't say go further on it as it is classified material and not want to give our rival any ideas so I would not speak further on this topic."general Abraham said

"Will you be willing to share this tech with NATO?"Sofia asked

"That is something we are discussing as this is one of the most advanced ship we have ever made so we need to make sure those that gets this tech from america don't give it to our enemy nations,we are keeping a close eye on that."General Abraham said

"So any more sci Fi weaponry inventions being made?"Sofia asked

"Well,we have a modified A-10 warthog outfitted with energy shields and the cannon on the A-10 warthog is changed to machine gun railgun,so now the modified A-10 warthog fires depleted uranium rounds at high extremely high speeds with railgun technology we aquire from fallout america so the fire rate is increased to 1 million rounds a minute,the rounds on the warthog is decreased in size but still pack more punch than it's original as due to railgun technology we have increased the speed of the rounds leaving the barrel to mach 30.Also due to this tremendous increase in fire power this modified A-10 warthog is now used to take out naval ships."general Abraham said

"Do you have footage of it in action?"Sofia asked

"Yes, please take a look at it."general Abraham said

The footage then showed several ships set up as target as the modified A-10 warthog flew over, missiles is launch at the modified A-10 warthog but when the missile hit, no damage can been seen only the energy shield around the A-10 seems to glow.The modified A-10 warthog then opened up it's machine gun railgun,the rounds left the modified machine gun railgun over mach 30 a huge sound of brrrrrrrrt is heard, the projectile that hit the dummy ships,the dummy ships is simply shredded to pieces.The footage then ends.

The press core is shocked at all these new inventions made by the US military, energy shields and a railgun turned to a machine gun railgun outfit onto a modified A-10 warthog.
Although many in the press core is not a expert in military tactics, all of them of know that how war will be changed.Many express their reaction in the comments section below.

Comments section
"Brrrrrt get a upgrade heck yea."
"Energy shields and a machine gun railgun I am getting turned on by these."
"Well at least I can safely say that the US military will be the most powerful military on earth for the next decade."
"I wonder what else is the US military hiding,will there be laser rifles issued to our boys in Iraq?
"Looks like freedom and democracy got new toys to play with."
"I am ready to spread democracy to our enemies."
"America hell yea!"
"Can you smell it, democracy in action

Fallout belongs to
Betheasda softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

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