Exploring New Vegas part 7

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"Well,now we will be going to the penthouse,let me me explain the penthouse is on the highest level of the Lucky 38. Companions are not allowed inside, similar to the cocktail lounge. Mr. House's control center is located here, down the stairs and to the left of the elevator. Jane is found directly in front of the elevator, and can exchange snowglobes for caps. To the right is a bedroom. The shelves are stocked with numerous pre-War books.

Unlike the cocktail lounge, there is a wall that prevents circling the entire room. This conceals the elevator to the control room. A terminal to open it is to the left of House's control center."Jackson said

"So it's like the control room?"Cody said

"Something like that,get your gear we will be going in a few moments"Jackson said

The gate earth personnel and media begin to ready their gear just at these Randall Clark went to Jackson and asked to talk to him.

"What is it so important?"Jackson said

"It is the Chinese remants,you know the Chinese is extremely good at inflictration and has inflictrated america before the bombs fell, should we tell the gate earth media about their fate sir?"Randall Clark said

"No,I don't want to speak about what we did to the Chinese remants as we will no doubt ruin our image even further,I will not speak of it but it is literally a genocide."Jackson said

"What do you mean sir?, sorry I was not assign to you when you were part of the regiment that is responsible for clearing Chinese remants in America."Randall Clark said

"The things I have done to clear the Chinese remants in America is something I am not proud off and I will not speak of it as I still have nightmares of what I did to them."Jackson said

"Sir,with all due respect the truth will come sooner or later."Randall Clark said

"I know, perhaps when the time comes, our counterpart will be more understanding of why we did these things."Jackson said

"Ok,sir"Randall Clark said

"I don't want to talk about this anymore,I need to lead the tour of fallout earth."Jackson said

Randall Clark then walked away from Jackson.

"Alright is everyone ready we are going to the penthouse trust me you won't regret it."Jackson said

The gate earth personnel and media get ready to go into the penthouse lead by Jackson.

Upon entering the penthouse they are shocked at it, looking out the window they can see almost of all new Vegas,and the gate earth personnel can safely say that this place was not even touched by nukes.

"Wow, seeing down looking at those lights made me forget that a nuclear war ever truly happened,the anti icbm system around here is excellent."Cody said

"Of course,we can meet with Mr house you know."Jackson said

"Oh,you mean a hologram right?"Cody said

"No,I mean the real one not the hologram one."Jackson said

"What do you mean?"Cody said

"Well,I will explain to you later now follow me."Jackson said

The gate earth media and personnel soon followed Jackson into the secret rooms to show the real Mr house alone the way they pass by Jane the securitron.Suddenly bimore spoke up

"Eh, Jackson why does this robot has a female personality?"bimore asked

"Jane's neuro-computational matrix is a copy of a woman that Mr. House had known as "one of Mr. House's girls." Jane makes sure to keep Mr. House "entertained," even after giving up his physical needs."Jackson replied

"Huh,does Mr house has a robot fetish or something?"bimore said

"Don't ask me,I don't know."Jackson said

After a short walk they finally reached the control room the place where Mr house real body is kept.

"Mr house is waiting for you he is now waiting for all of you."Jackson said

When they enter the room housing Mr house body they are shocked to see Mr house standing there waiting for them.

"I am Mr house saviour of New Vegas,is that you Trevor your the one who interviewed me right."Mr house said

Trevor is shocked never would he have thought about that he will see the real deal.

"Yes,I am Trevor from CNN do you mind if I do a interview with you?"

"Yes, please come here."Mr house said

"Okay,what to ask alrighty tell me about this place."Trevor asked

"Well,for starters this is a pod to house my body and allow me to upload myself into a computer allowing to me to use the anti icbm system to save my city from nuclear

"Remarkable,may I ask why love Vegas so much?"Trevor asked

"I grew up in Vegas you can say I have some sort of bond in the city."Mr house said

"Yea,you literally has a sort of bond over the city considering you uploaded yourself into the computers of the city there some sci Fi tech only seems in movies."Trevor said

"I know,but your earth has some tech that interest me such as the transistor as my earth development of the transistor is considered primitive consider to yours."Mr house said

"Will you be sharing this technology with earth like uploading yourself into a computer?"Trevor asked

"That is something I need to discuss with the leaders of your world,so no guarantees."Mr house chuckled

"Ok, thanks agreeing to a split second interview with me Mr house."Trevor said

The interview Livestream to gate earth many viewers don't know what to say about it with many expressing shock and intrigue as evident in the comments section below

Comments section
"Has lasers, railguns,AI and many more sci Fi tech but no transistor."
"Could it be the reason why fallout earth had a nuclear war is due to it not developing the transistor?"
"The scientific progress of fallout earth is different from ours."
"Can you imagine if fallout tech combine with our tech we will be unstoppable,best of both worlds."

Gate earth (Washington DC)

"This is Noah from CNN,due to senator Helena saying she wants to see the complete collapse of fallout america, senator Helena is now under heavy criticism many people in congress even those of her party is accusing senator Helena of hate speech at fallout america.Due to public pressure Congress is now opening an investigation into senator Helena for possible collusion between her and china as no american senator has wished death upon america before until now.Many Americans are now protesting against senator Helena demanding that she resign to save what left of her dignity.With a comment writing"Wow,what a patriot you are wishing death on another america that is on the brink of collapse.""

Comments section
"That witch deserve it."
"Get these american hating senators out of America!"
"No commies allowed in America."
"We need liberty prime to teach this senator the meaning of democracy."
"I bet that witch is bribed by china"

Due to the anti fallout america protest that took place yesterday many americans with most of them being veterans march in the streets of Washington DC singing the national anthem.Many could be heard shouting anti communist slogans the protest is soon called the patriotic march.
The event is recorded and posted on YouTube gaining millions of views

Comments section
"Patriots unite!"
"I love america"
"America is the most powerful nation on earth."
"America is no.1"
"How can join this protest"
"Gives me hope that there is patriotic american left in the country."
"Freedom is the sovereign right of American-liberty prime."
A reply wrote"We need liberty prime to show these american senators what it means to be american."

Fallout belongs to
Betheasda softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

Fallout lucky 38 reference

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