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"Mr president, should we reveal the fate of the Chinese inflictrators to our non apocalyptic counter part?"General William Wales asked

The hologram of president Daniel showed up and said"We should general,just say we killed all of them."

"Yea,you are correct as we did kill almost all of them but we spared some of them only for them to become human test subjects,I for one recommend we don't tell the UN meeting about turning the Chinese inflictrators into human test subjects as that will give china the reason to start another smear campaign against us."General William Wales ended

"Don't worry general,let me talk to the UN I know what to say."President Daniel said

"Should we sell some of our t-51b suits of power armor to our non apocalyptic counterpart?"general William Wales said

"Yes,we should."president Daniel said

"Got it sir"general Abraham said

UN building (New York)
The UN building is packed again,the meeting is requested by china, as china accuses fallout america of hoarding technology that can benefit the world but only share it with america and Japan.Also china want to know about the fate of Chinese infiltrators in fallout earth as the history of the sino american war revealed that Chinese inflictrators runs very deep in the nation.

"President of fallout america,I demand to know about the fate of Chinese infiltrators left in fallout america as we did not hear from them  but during the sino american war,they are the boggieman in your nation."China ambassador Zhou Xin lin said

"Well,I am not sure of their fate by from what my general told me,the Chinese inflictrators is all killed,I also heard of a Chinese crew got stranded in sans fransisco but they were later killed by angry american citizens as american citizens blames them responsible for the nuclear war."President Daniel said

"Oh by the way, I heard of a Chinese nuclear submarine in Boston called the Yangtze,controlled by admiral Zao,the submarine crew along with their captain is stoned to death by americans citizens in Boston as Zao help launch nuclear weapons at Boston killing thousands of people."President Daniel said

"So your citizens turned to murder,when the bombs fell,huh this proves that your nation is nothing but savages,you can't even control your own people."china ambassador Zhou Xin lin said

"Well,they only know one thing which is Chinese forces is responsible for nuking america and when they saw Chinese forces coming out of a nuclear submarine you know they are going to take revenge by killing them by whatever method they see fit and back to your claims of we can't control our people is ridiculous as when the bombs fell a giant emp storm is generated cutting off communication across the country, I was stuck on an oil rig of the coast of California for 3 years before my team the enclave manage to restore communication to the US military."President Daniel said

The china ambassador eyes tighten and decide to move onto the next topic about the changing order in the south china sea.

"You, fallout america has made a mockery of china as no one want believe china 9 dash line territorial claims in the south china sea,and Japan the nation you gave your technology to other than america is leading the charge to defy china from getting her rightful territorial waters since ancient times, fallout america is adding fuel to the fire."China ambassador Zhou Xin lin said.

"Since when did we made a mockery of you?"President Daniel asked

"When you reveal the history of the sino american war,as american forces tore through Chinese forces with ease, now the whole world sees china as a paper dragon and not let me get on the fact that you give america energy shields to their ships making it unfair in war."china ambassador Zhou Xin lin said

"Well, history is history and to your fact of me giving america the technology to put energy shields on their shields is a good idea,of course I will give my counterpart to have a edge in war especially when you are threatening my allies and my counterpart."President Daniel said

"Well not add to the fact that you are stealer and a thief as you don't give our counterpart stealth technology to us, especially the stealth suits."china ambassador Zhou Xin lin said

"Hold on a sec,we did not steal those technology,we captured it and managed to reverse engineer some parts of it so are not a stealer or a thief you describe we earn those technology pay dearly in the blood of american troops and besides in war you gotta to create new technology to win as your tech can't remain stagnant you have to evolve."President Daniel said

"The energy shields you have given to your american counterpart makes it extremely hard to sink do you know you fallout america has made 10 years of chinese research on anti ships missiles useless,1 trillion dollars gone down the train you have wasted Chinese taxpayers money,also weakened our claim in the south china sea as the it belong to china since ancient times"China ambassador Zhou Xin said

"Well,then I can say your investing sucks perhaps maybe you can ask your government to watch some videos about investing so you won't waste so much money, also your territorial claims in the 9 dash line is rejected by many nations even before fallout america come to the sence, here a little history for you,borders of nations is not absolute,border changes weather you like it or not."President Daniel said

The Chinese ambassador remain silent then walked out the UN meeting

The event is broadcasted live to everyone on earth.

Comments section
"China got owned"
"China your territorial claims in the south china sea is not recognized by the international committee"
"Thank you fallout america for giving energy shields on america warships to protect our servicemen and servicewomen."
"I hope fallout america gives power armor to america."

White House (Washington DC)
"Welcome general William Wales to the white house again these few months have been hectic eh."General Abraham said

"Yes,it is i have requested a meeting with you general Abraham."William Wales said

"What is it?"General Abraham asked

"Well,for starters based on the news on what I have seen online about Chinese submarines near Anchorage Alaska, I recommend I sell you the t-51b suits of power armor to your infantry forces as it is extremely good in mountainous area and in rooting out guerilla warfare insurgents like in Iraq."general William Wales said

"Huh,sounds like a good deal as in Iraq we are dealing with ISIS placing IED making our troops lives a living hell but with power armor we can make a difference.ISIS attack small us forces base to rack up casualties and hid behind civilians using them as human shields but with power armor we can employ a new strategy as we give those troops in vulnerable position power armor so when the insurgents attack they will be mowed down and when those ISIS fighters hid behind human shields we can just walk up to those fighters carrying a minigun and spray those fighters down without killing innocent people."general Abraham said

"Yea,that the gist of it those isis fighters will be soon under the heels of power armor boots."general William Wales said

Fallout belongs to
Betheasda softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

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