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Many women and children cried as they heard of the devastating losses of their loved ones when their men were ordered by molt to assault dalmus hill to get rid of the demons of dalmus hill.Deliah said to herself"looks like the Saderan empire has step on the griffon tail" rumors has it the imperial army and the vassal army were wipe away like dried leaves before a burning wind.italica men who survive the onslaught made their way back to italica.When the inhabitants of italica found out they were horrified beyond words their face were disfigured,many others lost their limbs,others were blinded.The medical knowledge of italica proves to be useless against the effects used by the otherworlder at dalmus hill as the chemical munitions used by the us military is made to kill millions of Chinese troops during the sino american war even with modern health sciences fail to prevent Chinese troops from succumbing to the chemical munitions.

Princess Pina immediately question to ask Lorenz one of the imperial troops that assaulted dalmus hill what happened Lorenz replied"hell,hell,when charge up the hill the demons of dalmus hill fired their weapons what happened next"Lorenz paused and began laughing and saying"we are all going to die the demons is going to kill us all ,hell,hell,hell,tress of fire,clouds of death,"Lorenz kept on repeating these phases until grey said"he has lost it"just at this moment Lorenz tensed up, stop breathing drop dead causing the italica militia to lost their morale even more as Lorenz is one of the bravest men of italica, whatever cause his will to break must be something from the underworld.

Villagers of coda village came to italica for refuge, countless myui let them in.The villagers has seen the otherworlders of alnus hill immediately princess Pina begin to ask questions about the "men in green" their weapons,their capabilities,the villagers of coda village began to tell the tale of the men in green fighting the flame dragon. Pina said"you must be mistaken the flame dragon for a weyerns there is no way a mortal army can take on a flame dragon"one of the villagers replied"Pina is true we saw the men in green fighting the flame dragon and wounding it also the men in green are good people they saved us and help when nobody would"Pina is shocked no army would ever do this most the time the village will be purged,loot and woman taken as sex slaves for the men to enjoy.

Around this time the farmer and his wife who captain Jackson saved reach italica,he was let in Pina asked"do you know about the capabilities of the otherworlders? The farmer said"your highness when we were en route to italica me and my wife was ambushed by the bandits but when they were about to rape my wife a loud sound louder than thunder and in a moment one bandit fell down, head opened,what happened next all the 40 bandits began to charge the otherworlders but were torn to shreds and some were turned to ash, the otherworlders used weapons that blast light brighter than anything I have ever seen"Pina replied"Thank you for your information for information of the otherworlders at alnus hill"The farmer immediately said"no,the otherworlder that saved me and my wife is the otherworlder at dalmus hill"At the mention of the otherworlder at dalmus hill italica became silent. Countless myui said"You said you met the otherworlder of dalmus hill?"the farmer replied"yes and they told me they are not demons as they are apart from a nation called the united states of America where a terrible apocalypse reduced their world to ash"

"This is the jsdf we are here at italica to trade." Itami said, italicans are scared of the otherworlders,Pina asked the jsdf for help to fend the city from the bandits.surprisingly they agreed to defend the city. Princess Pina gathered her rose knights and said"after they help us to defend the city, we will betray them and interrogate them on how their weapons work."The knights agreed to this course of action.Pina will show to her father that woman has a place in war.

"Place a machine gun here to we need to ensure no stones are unturned,one small mistake we are done for even if the enemy are using swords"itami said to his squad. At this moment they heard a gunshot echoing from the outskirts of italica. Itami shouted"hold fire, trigger discipline" many of the jsdf soldier said"we did not shoot"

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