Exploring New Vegas part 2 and a diplomatic incident

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"Alright next move on to our next Destination vault 21!"Jackson said

"Vault 21?"bimore asked

"Before the bombs fell the US government ordered vault tec to build vaults to save some of the american population should a nuclear war a total of 122 vaults were built the project to build vaults is called project safehouse."Jackson replied.
But Jackson hide the fact that most of the vault constructed is not meant to save people but to conduct cold,cruel experiments on them but he did not tell them as he does not want to ruin fallout america image in gate earth any further,he hoped the records of the inhumane experiments did by the vaults is destroyed.

"What you all be going is vault 21 where it saved the inhabitants from nuclear armageddon,the vault is soon converted to a hotel and casino."Jackson said

"Damm,a vault converted to a casino and hotel that is capitalism at it's finest making money."bimore joked

"Fun fact all before the US military and Robert house made contact with vault 21 the conflict in vault 21 is solved by gambling."Jackson said

"Wait are you telling me that civil unrest in this vault is solved by gambling."bimore said

Upon hearing this the news media from gate earth became interested and begin to ask Jackson to clarify more about.

"Excuse me, this is Trevor from CNN may I asked you what do you mean solving civil conflicts in the vaults by gambling?can you elaborate on it."Trevor asked

"Well let me explain, in vault 21 where everyone in the Vault was equal, it was created with a perfectly symmetrical layout, and all conflicts and problems were solved through gambling.Chosen representatives gambled against each other in the main atrium and the winner earned the right to settle the dispute as wished by the collective.Sarah one of the inhabitants describes it as "pure New Vegas" as "everyone has a chance and lady luck smiles if you play your odds right."Jackson said

"So basically resolve your conflicts with gambling."Trevor clarifyed

"Yes,let me give you an example when the US military and Robert house contacted vault 21 residents with an offer of inclusion in the resurrection of Vegas. While most of the Vault dwellers wanted to refuse the offer, some residents were in favor of it. As a result, residents in favor of Mr. House's offer challenged each level's representative who was in favor of staying isolated. After a game of Blackjack that lasted for many hours, those in favor of opening to the outside won in an extremely risky move. Soon after, Mr. House ordered the Vault to be filled with concrete. But at the request of Sarah one of the inhabitants of the vault and Sheldon Weintraub another inhabitants of the vault, he left some of the upper levels intact and allowed Sarah to establish a hotel there, which became another source of income for Vegas's growing economy.After their emergence, many of the Vault dwellers went on to live new lives in the outside world."Jackson said

"Never I have heard that gambling can resolve your conflicts."Trevor said

"Believe me when I first heard this I was shocked i expected that there will be a gun fight."Jackson said

The conversation is livestreamed live to the world the world is stunned and somewhat glad that there is some sort of civilization in the wasteland as these people did not resort to violence to get what they want, like how much of fallout america has descended to,many express good feedback with many expressing their reaction in the comments section below.

Comments section
"Gives me hope fallout america can restore itself as not all of fallout america has fallen to madness."
"That's what I am talking about not always going in guns blazing."
"Las Vegas is a shining example in the darkness of a nuclear war."

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