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The revelation of the china expansionist wars caused a major backlash, many companies that has stationed some of it's companies in china now suffer heavy criticism all over the world making the split decision to move away from china.Companies like apple that has headquarters in china is suffering heavy political pressure to get out of china and put more of it's headquarters in america.

President Daniel in order to prove what he said is true pass the footage of the china expansionist wars and footage of American troops liberating those countries to president dirrel in which president dirrel post on the white house YouTube channel.

The footage of those wars gains billions of views in matter of days as many of those viewers are from the countries that china annexed during the wars and america liberating them during the sino american war.

New information about the sino american war is revealed as fallout america purposefully left out them of liberating other nations from china, so that when things become tough for them they can reveal america troops liberating nations from communist rule to gain patriotism.This move has been successful as before their rating is down the gutter due to china launching a smear campaign against them accusing fallout america of war crimes but now they have turn the tables on china by revealing china expansion wars and the approval rating of fallout america throughout the world is rock through the roof.

Not only that a pro America sentiment swept across the world,many nations have people marching down the city chanting pro america messages and anti-communist slogans.
Military experts now have more information of the wars that took place in fallout earth what interest those experts is now that there is more information on the sino american war,the experts are shocked as they say invading china is impossible now they find out that fallout america also liberate countries that is annexed by china while invading china.

"This is reporter Sofia from MSNBC,today I am joined by military expert and historian James Wilson,James Wilson had become a huge nerd in fallout america wars and today he will be talking about how the new information changes how big the sino american war."Sofia said

"Wow,now I am called nerd thanks"Wilson chuckled

"Sorry if that offends you."Sofia replied

"No,it's okay now we know more about the sino american war this changes everything we know about the scale of the war,this increase the scale of the war to a whole new level, imagine a Pacific war between 2 evenly strong countries fighting in a battlefield stretching from Alaska to the Philippines to the jungles of Vietnam to the scorching hot desert of the Gobi and finally ending with grueling down of the Chinese army all the way to gates of Beijing the area that fallout america conquered would be around the size of France and Germany put together and that is only counted for the territory conquered in china alone.I am telling you that if the nukes had not fallen, fallout america would have control of most southeast Asia making them a literal empire."Wilson said

"The scale of war is crazy,this makes all the wars that gate earth america fought look like fire crackers I can only think of any war that is close is the 2nd world war with america fighting the japanese in the Pacific theater.I wonder what is the fighting like?"Sofia said

"The fighting is harsh much harsher than the japanese in world war 2 as during the Sino american war chemical weapons and biological weapons are used freely let me repeat freely this is not some war bound by the Geneva convention this is about 2 superpower nation with highly advanced technology the earth has never seen before with opposing idealogy and the willingness to fight a war of genocide against each other, imagine yourself in this scenario for a second in the year 2066 resources running out and suddenly you are invaded by a superpower nation with the sole intent to snatch the last reserve of oil on the planet away from you the lifeblood of your nation,the UN had long since collapsed,many nations had decent to anarchy and those nation remain 'sane' are invading and killing each other for the last drops of resources war left in the world.This soon become the law of the jungle with kill or be killed.Morales is thrown out of the roof,combined with advance weaponry such as railguns, lasers, plasma,energy and whatever sci Fi weapons created in fallout earth made this war of madness and death the earth had not seen in it's history,you have nations becoming twisted corrupted versions of themselves,one of these is fallout america where it imprison Chinese americans and put them in camps and used them for experimentation and you have china purposefully using bio weapons on civilians,the robo brains technology of fallout america is a offshoot of fallout china technology, fallout america basically become a totalitarian state before the bombs fell.Also you have fallout america annexing Canada to fuel the war effort."Wilson said

"Hearing what you said sent chills down my spine it is terrifying of what one can do when they pushed to the brink."Sofia said

Comments section
"Fallout america is beast, liberating countries from oppressing rule and invading china at the same time and succeeding? fallout america is good at fighting wars."
"Here I thought the thought the sino american war is already big enough and now you add some more to the war the scale is up by factor of 5"
"How did fallout america pull of such a feat of invading china and liberating countries at the same time."
"Fallout america must have some good generals,I suggest sending some fallout american generals to give current gate earth america generals tips on how to plan and fight a war

"This is John from fox news,this just in the Russian federation has announced that it will be cutting relations from china due to the history fallout earth where fallout china and the fallout Soviet union clash in a battle with the Russian ambassador Dimitri saying"Russia will now be cutting ties to china as due to the history of fallout earth the Russian government had decided in it's best interest to cut off ties to china as we don't want to have Russia military technology to be copied by china."

Many russians support these actions as seeing the history of the sino Soviet war made the russians especially the patriotic russians to praise it as evident in the comments section below.

Comments section
"Nice I support it"
"I knew it,china will backstab us."

Malaysia and Indonesia
Many Malaysians and Indonesians are marching in the streets chanting praise to fallout america for liberating them from Chinese rule, a pro america sentiment swept the nation with some even demanding that the nations host more US bases.

Following the reveal of fallout US military liberating countries annexed by china brought huge enlistment in the US military.

Hollywood had recently announced a movie called 'Fallout generations' the flim description 'Based on a true story where follow a generation of young americans born into a world of turmoil as they join the US military to ensure freedom and democracy remain strong throughout the globe even in the face of nuclear armageddon' the announcement of the movie has many people excited but many people also have concerns as evident in the comments section below

Comments section
"Can't wait'
"So we are basically getting a 'band of brothers' version of the sino american war sign me up."
"Shut up and take my money damm it!"
"Hope Hollywood don't mess up this movie as if they do mess up it will be a spit in the face of every one who died during the war."
"Hollywood please don't mess up ok,if you mess up my american heart can't take it."
"Fallout america during the sino american war is basically on a cursade lol."

"This is Clark from IGN,today I am going to talk about a game made by dice the game is called 'Fallout left behind' according to the game developer you will take control of a US soldier in Shanghai when the bombs fell and with communication all lost due the great war you must find a way back to america while fighting mutants and people that tries to harm you as you make your back to america."

Comments section
"Fallout left behind sound like the name of badass game."
"Shut up and take my money"
"Dice and Activision must be happy about fallout earth as there is so much wars that occur on that earth,now they won't have to worry about milking their current franchise as now they have basically world war 3 to cover with laser weaponry and those weird weaponry fallout earth has lol."

Fallout belongs to
Betheasda softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

Fallout sino Soviet war reference

Fallout china expansionist wars reference

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