Back to DC and offensive begins

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"Jackson, the Anchorage simulation has been fixed bring the gate earth personnel and media back to DC to try it out."General William Wales said on a hologram

"Yes,sir"Jackson replied

"What about the divide,and curie where she created cures for biological weapons should we show them?"Jackson asked

"No,the divide has icbms. You don't let the media just walk into a icbm silos don't you, besides that for curie the cure for any bio weapons will be invaluable you know that right will just destabilize the other world as they will no doubt be fighting over it as china is already going crazy there."general William Wales said

"Yes sir"Jackson said

Jackson soon took the gate earth personnel and media back to Washington DC.

"Where are you taking us now?"Cody asked

"Washington DC"Jackson said

"But we have just been there."Bimore said

"No,one thing we miss is a video game simulation."Jackson said

"What do you mean?"Cody asked

"Operation Anchorage, basically we made a video game simulation on the liberation of Anchorage Alaska."Jackson said

"Wow,why do you not tell us about it?"Cody asked

"Because the simulation is dangerous,we need to fix it as before we fix it,if you die in the simulation you die in real life."Jackson said

"Oh,so like the anime sword art online."Cody said

The trip is uneventful,until they reached Washington DC or what left of it after the bombs fell.

The gate earth personnel and media got of the vertibird where they slowly made their way to the place where the simulation is.Finally they reached the place where the simulator is.The media then begin to flim the place.

"Welcome to the VSS facility where all of you will be trying out the simulation called operation Anchorage."Jackson said

"Me,I want to go first"Cody said

"Wait,I need to lend you my pip boy first as you need a pip boy to access it."Jackson said

"Oh,let say what if I just rip the pip boy of your arm?"Cody said

"You will not be able to access the simulation as you took the pip boy from me without my consent."Jackson said

"Why won't it work?"Cody said

"Because my pip boy will think that someone is stealing american technology and will act accordingly, this stuff is way above my paycheck."Jackson said

Jackson then lend his pip boy to Colonel Cody so that he could access the simulation.

Cody then entered the pod and slowly the lid of the pod close and in a blinding flash of light he appears in Anchorage.

The media and Jackson can see him in the simulation as they installed a camera that will record him as he plays through the simulation.

The media record the playthrough of Cody as he slowly kills Chinese soldiers,to destroying the guns of Anchorage until Cody he finally kills General Jingwei.The simulation soon ends the pod opens up and Cody jumps out of the pod.

"This is the best video game experience in my life."Cody said

"This is Trevor from CNN,as you can see colonel Cody has just finished the playthrough of operation Anchorage,it seems that Cody is very estactic about it."

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