Welcome to big mt

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Gate earth personnel soon rested in raven rock and Jackson came in and said"Today we are going to big mt basically give you a summary it is basically science without morals."
Cody asked"what do you mean without morals?" News media immediately set up their cameras to record their conservation
Jackson said"The Big MT Research and Development Center was originally built inside a cave system running underneath a large mountain peak that gave it its name. The goal of the facility was to build the future of mankind and create the technology of tomorrow without restraints, either moral or technical. It welcomed some of the most gifted pre-War scientists, who plumbed the depths of many experimental technological fields. The research conducted within was as groundbreaking as it was unethical, conducted in part on living humans both American volunteers and Chinese-American detainees. Big MT even included a concentration camp of its very own, safeguarded by lucrative contracts with the US Army."
Everyone is shocked at this revelation remaining silent although they have heard of fallout america extreme measures to win the war and the effort to restore order to america many thought america could not fall any further.

Jackson said"I would explain further when we get to big mt."

Gate earth personnel then boarded a vertibird to take them to big mt the flight lasted for hours and when they reached big mt they landed beside a mountain peak cody said"Jackson can you explain why fallout america involved itself in concentration camps?"

Jackson said"I know this may sound extreme and may remind you of nazis but you must understand that this practices only came in due to the extreme situation my world was in, there is no good guys in the resource war every nation became corrupted and twisted versions of themselves in order to stay alive."

"This is Trevor from CNN are you telling me that fallout america have concentration camps?"Trevor asked

Jackson said"For Chinese americans due to the sheer scale of Chinese infiltration during the sino american war the president signed Executive Order 99066 where Chinese and Chinese american were put into concentration and used as human lab rats to build the technology of tomorrow."

"How can america decent to such barbarism this is basically Nazis and fascism."Trevor replied

"When a nation feel threatened, paranoid and the willingness to stay alive during the resource war it will lead a nation to do things they will consider evil."Jackson said

"Do you take any part of rounding up Chinese americans as a secret Nazi police by the US military?"Trevor said

"No I did not take part in these activities I was part of Gobi campaign to push the reds out of the Gobi desert and finally link up with the Yangtze campaign to invade Beijing to finish off china once and for all I only learnt of this after the bombs fell believe me I was shocked as well as I could not believe the country that stands for liberty and freedom will decent to such evils."Jackson replied

"This is a shocking revelation as fallout america has concentration camps we know fallout america committed acts that will qualify as war crimes on our earth but we have no way that fallout america would fall so far from her the founding fathers."Trevor said

Jackson said"what your people defined as evil, america viewed it as a necessary evil to win the war, both china and america turned into military dictatorship no different from the another this war is basically who can be bigger jerk than the other."

Many people are horrified at this revelation although they know fallout america committed acts of terror but concentration camps!this is a new low for fallout america many took to the comments section to voice their reaction with some understanding the struggle of their counterpart.

Comments section
"Evil, corrupted twisted america."
"The founding fathers would wept at seeing the monster fallout america became."
"Never I would have thought the nation that stands for liberty and freedom would decent to a totalitarian hellhole."
"Guys all of you must understand that the reason fallout america did this is to survive we must look at why they decent to such evils."
"China also decent to human experimentation as well so both are no different than the other."
"Democracy is evil."

The revelation of fallout america has concentration camps sparked protest from all around the world the ones that most support the china with china ambassador Zhou Xin lin tweeted"fallout america has concentration camps this is fascism and I would want to asked fallout america how would you respond to the Chinese you sent to their deaths."

North Korea,Iran and Pakistan begin to accuse fallout america of crimes against humanity.

Comments section
"We need destroy fallout america."
"Necessary evil to survive? I would rather fallout america be destroyed than seeing the monster she became."
"Concentration camps as a necessary evil for a nation to survive than that nation don't deserve to survive the existence of fallout america surviving is a front to all the nations that perished during the great war."
"Fallout america took the whole world down with them selfish prick."

Protest of fallout america is extremely common in Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan with signs saying"Fallout america=Hitler 2.0"

After landing in big mt Jackson then lead the gate earth personnel to big mt to begin exploring the base then Jackson said"if it calms you most of your heart the scientist that work here died during the great war if it put some sense of justice in your heart."
Gate earth personnel remain silent on these prospect and a news reporters from MSNBC step forward.

"This is reporter Sofia from MSNBC if mind me asking I am quite shocked at this revelation but will you destroy the base here?"

"No this is one of the places where advanced technology is made, general William Wales has introduced several restrictions on what these scientist can and cannot do so we replaced the scientist from commonwealth institute of technology to act as replacement but there is very few scientist from the commonwealth institute of technology survived we don't know what became the rest of them if I am to bet I don't want to know what happened to them this earth has enough stories."Jackson said

Comments section
"So new regulations on crazy mad scientist those Chinese are already dead you can't bring them back."
"At least those mad scientist died during the nuclear war as there is some sort of justice in this world."

Jackson then wondered if he can show them the advance technology fallout america has in big mt they can somehow forgive fallout america.

Jackson said"Now let me show the technology created by big mt."

Everyone soon brace themselves to see the technology created by big mt.

Fallout belongs to
Betheasda softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish


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