Exploring big mt part 1

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Jackson led gate personnel to see the technology of big mt and when they enter big mt they see a blue field causing one of the UN soldier said"what is that,is that a force field?"
Jackson smiled and said"That is a force field you guess it correctly, in some military bases we set up force fields to fend of mutants very effective save resources and put on warships one such example is the USS Georgia where she has energy shields installed."
CNN immediately begin to flim the force field. One of the green beret bimore said"I don't believe you that is a forcefield that exist only in science fiction."
Jackson replied"well if you don't believe me,try to run through it without me disabling the forcefield."
Bimore then immediately begin to charge the forcefield immediately bimore is shove back to cold hard floor of big mt bimore felt that he has ran straight to a wall made of concrete.Seeing the forcefield did not even budge he punch the forcefield bimore screamed as he broke his hands. Jackson then gave bimore a stimpack causing his bones to heal, bimore questioned what technology does fallout america has force fields, medical technology that heal wounds in seconds?
Jackson then said"Are you believing it now?
"Yes,these technology made be made with america democracy."bimore joked, Jackson soon disable the forcefield to allow gate earth personnel to enter deeper into big mt.

"This is Trevor from CNN as you can see this is a forcefield and one of the green beret actually tried to run through it and try to punch it to break the forcefield only to suffer broken bones and thrown back to the cold hard floor,I can't believe this, technology that actually exist in science fiction is a reality in fallout earth."

Comments section
"Damm medical technology that heals wounds in seconds the medical industry must be drooling right now com to think of it fallout america will make a absolute killing in the medical sector."
"Seeing a green beret actually tries to get past the forcefield is actually comical."
"Can we ask fallout america if we can buy these force fields to place them on the southern border to prevent illegal immigration?"
"These technology is blood technology considering the acts fallout america took to achieve this I don't know who is the good guy in the resource war."
"Damm energy shields on warships that is next level sci Fi stuff."

Upon moving past the forcefield barrier which Jackson has disabled a dog infused with robotic parts ran up to Jackson and begin to wiggle his tail which Jackson immediately responded with a head pat and saying"how you doing joey,meet our new friends they are from another world without a nuclear war look there is news anchor and military personnel be good to them and I will give you a treat in head pats." 
Jackson then said"although joey is cyberdog he loves head pats."

"This is reporter Sofia from MSNBC,may I ask you what is this? cyberdogs you know you are violating animal rights and can you explain this?"

"Cyberdogs or cyberhounds you call them are augmented dogs which incorporate both organic and mechanical parts in their being. The abilities of individual cyberdogs vary from dog to dog, but as a rule, they are all physically superior to their organic counterparts and are far more long lived,with advanced models being intelligent enough for conversation.There are variants of it as there is a militarized version and a police version,joey here is a military version Cyberhound Mk III military model ."Jackson said

"May I ask what is the difference between a military cyberdog and a police cyberdog?"Sofia asked

"Well for a military cyberdog The military cyberdog has a sonic bark which is used as a ranged weapon . They also appear to have the ability to self heal/repair themselves, similar to the Mk II Securitrons.For the police version it is slightly weaker variety of the military cyberdog, police cyberdogs may contain several types of small energy cells on death. They can be distinguished from military cyberdogs by their unique black and white paint, as well as the red and blue reflective patches on their backs."

"I know this may anger PETA but the technology we infused onto these dogs extend their livespan to centuries."Jackson said hoping to mend the image of fallout america but he fear animal lovers will go crazy on these as these act is essentially one big middle finger to PETA.

"This practices only came in due to the extreme situation my world was in, there is no good guys in the resource war every nation became corrupted and twisted versions of themselves in order to stay alive."Jackson repeating this hoping gate earth can understand what they did and why the did it.

Gate earth is shocked yet again with PETA being outraged and immediately tries to launch a boycott campaign against fallout america with a representative from PETA saying"This does not shock me as fallout america does not even respect human rights so what gives that fallout america will respect the right of animals? fallout america is a corrupted twisted version of ourselves fallout america was never great,we must stage a protest in fallout america to show that we PETA respect animal rights even in another world."

PETA request to enter fallout earth through the gate is denied as the health minister of America and the prime minister of Japan motoi said that fallout america has lots of radiation and will kill anyone there within minutes without proper protection.

Many viewers disagree with PETA views saying that fallout america does these to survive as the harsh world they are living in force their hand.The comments section is divided.

Comments section
"Fallout america does these to survive you must look at the state of their world they are the last few nations on earth still holding to dear life."
"I would not decent to such evil to stay alive."
"Those poor dogs suffered at the hands of fallout america."
"Desperate times call for desperate measures as it is either innovate or die."

North Korea then criticized fallout america for human and animal right violation. Some terrorist organization extremist such as isis and the Taliban saying that they will find a way of getting through the gate and into fallout america to wreck horror on them and burning the american flag while shouting death to the non believers.

Upon hearing this general William Wales put the US military in high alert mode in response to these threats as although the chances of isis and the Taliban creating a gate to fallout america is basically zero he took no chances as fallout america is extremely paranoid even before the bombs fell,this act just increase fallout america paranoia to even higher levels with fallout america nuclear stockpile in the divide on high alert and more chemical munitions is brought out of storage ready to deal with the terror threat of isis and the Taliban.

Fallout belongs to
Betheasda softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish


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