Welcome to Washington DC

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The capital of America what was once a symbol of the most powerful nation that existed now a a warzone quite a fall from its glory days.

Gate earth forces and media boarded a vertibird to take them to Washington DC.
Sargeant Cody of the green berets of gate earth asked"Why do we need to take a vertibird to Washington DC would it be better to drive there to conserve resources?"
"Washington DC is nuked heavily The only way to reach the D.C. ruins is by traveling underground, usually through the abandoned metro Washington DC is targeted due to the Pentagon and the white house where most of the US government there sort of a decapitation strike launch by the Chinese also to demoralize surviving the nuclear war as nothing can be more demoralizing than seeing your nation capital vaporized by nuclear hellfire but some miracles happened some of the american flag survived the nukes and is still flying now in Washington DC as you can see this has boosts the morale of the nation some see it as god wants america to survive the great war."

The people of gate earth is shocked at the state of Washington DC in fallout earth as the only way to access it is by metro system or by air many gate earth Americans brave themselves to see the state of Washington DC but hearing the american flag still flying over the ruins of Washington DC sooth the worries of gate earth Americans maybe the capital is not bombed that bad.

As the vertibird got closer to Washington DC the gieger counter begin to tick due to is only 3 years of the great war Washington DC is heavily irradiated.The vertibird pilot said"welcome fellow gate earth Americans and UN forces to the capital of the united states of America Washington DC as you can see the Washington monument we are going to land at the outskirts of the white house please remember to ensure you have enough radx and radaway.

"This is Trevor from CNN,as you can see this is Washington DC from fallout earth never in my life I would I ever think of Washington DC reduced to such a state and by god captain Jackson is right as there is still american flags flying around the Washington DC."

Comments section
"It break my world seeing america reduced to such a state."
"Such a beautiful sight of seeing Washington DC in such a state as deserved by western nations colonizing Africa and I hate america my only critic is why is it not destroyed more I wish america has completely fallen to anarchy as a fitting punishment for their crimes."
A reply to the comment wrote"You are a psychopath saying that america should have collapse into anarchy you are nothing but a terrorist."
"I am crying right now at seeing the american capital at such a state such a fall from the glory days of old."
A reply wrote"Look at the american flag flying around the Washington monument all is not lost the american flag still flags which means america is not dead and is resilient which means the spirit of America is not dead!"

Langley air base(Gate earth)
Due to the media broadcast casting the state of Washington DC in fallout earth the US military can see what happened to their counterpart capital when they see it many American soldiers broke down in tears crying seeing the state of Washington DC in such disarray a american pilot named Adam said"Those Chinese sobs will pay for they have done to my counterpart nation capital."
Another american pilot named Jamie said"hey let's not get into a revenge spree the world tension on our earth is high enough as it is no need to increase it any further and besides the american flag still flys proudly in the capital which means as destroyed as it is the capital has not completely fallen."
"You are right Jamie, the american flag still flys proudly in the capital which means the spirit of America still lives."Adam replied

Gate earth Pentagon
General Abraham said"The state of Washington DC in your earth William breaks my heart but this will embolden many of America enemies especially china."
William replied"don't worry did I not tell you fallout america nuked fallout china? I will show you the state of fallout china." William then showed general Abraham the state of fallout china what he sees shocked him all of china is covered by a green glow of radiation basically the glowing sea x1 million.
General William Wales said"china no doubt will post it on Twitter saying they crushed the capital of America in a one last "screw you" I am planning to release the state of fallout china after that will be quite a slap to china face."

Seeing the state of fallout Washington DC china posted a picture of fallout Washington DC on their Twitter saying"Western imperialist nation is destroyed by fallout china, fallout china going out in a blaze of glory."

The comments section is filled with anti american comments

Comments section
"Love seeing Washington DC in such a state."
"What right does fallout america have to invade china?"
"Fallout america is oppressing china as fallout america only suffered only several hundred million deaths while fallout china suffered billions of death."
"Death to fallout america."

Just 5 minutes after china posted it,the US army posted a picture of fallout china state from space on Twitter saying"Looks like fallout china did went out like a blaze of glory infact this is true as look at this fallout china went out in such a blaze of glory that it can been seen glowing from space due to fallout american nukes made fallout china a sea of radiation."

The comments section is soon filled with pro- American comments and anti china comments

Comments section
"Damm fallout china got spanked so hard that it can be seen glowing from space wonder how much nukes is dropped there."
"Fallout china is in a worst state than fallout america."
"China getting ticked off in 3,2,1"
"Wonder how many nukes fallout america dropped on fallout china?"
"Death to china"

Iran and north Korea at first wanted to threatened fallout america with nuclear annihilation but after seeing the state of fallout china.Iran, north Korea soon decided to remain silent as they realized that fallout america would indeed use their nuclear weapons and would not like to suffered fallout china fate.

Fallout belongs to
Betheasda softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

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