Will history repeat itself?

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"This is Trevor from CNN the us army has began to deploy robots in the middle east to prevent escalation of conflicts as the fate of the middle east of the first fall to fall to the resource war has triggered many middle eastern nations to completely call western Nations destruction as the terror group known as isis has began to behead any citizens from any western nations saying they are doing god work in keeping the infidels from corrupting the scared ground of god.Even some isis fighters is trying to find a way to enter fallout america as america did not fall in the fallout world which is a afront to their teachings.It seems that the presence of fallout america is triggering many conflicts around the world. The European union has increased it's military spending by 4 times and a surprising new law is created as the EU will stop taking middle east refugees due to recent tensions.Many call this a blatant disregard for human rights."

Comments section
"Why would ISIS want to destroy fallout america"
"I don't want a nuclear war"
"Do something about this"

"This is reporter Sofia from MSNBC due the reveal of fallout america many countries are tensed as seeing fallout america being the last functional nation in fallout earth has caused many enemy nations of America to increase their military spending,the nuclear treaty that hold the world together is falling apart especially china has being vocal about creating more nukes to match america nuclear stockpile saying it's their right as a sovereign nation also to avenge their fallout counterpart and to feel pride in their nation.Everyone knows about the fate of fallout china as america forces drive china forces to the gates of Beijing.Many patriots of china has called for china to stage an invasion of the america homeland to avenge the humiliation their counterpart suffered in fallout earth as many countries are now which china has territorial disputes with is now standing up to china seeing that china can be defeated in war has fuel of defiance in the nations that has been affected by china territorial expansion in the south china sea.In the middle east many anti america protest has occurred in the middle east but they are not the star and stripes flag they are burning the commonwealth flag with Iran leader saying they will find a way to fallout america to destroy fallout america for good. The UN is trying to clam the situation but many so far has resulted in failure."

Comments section
"China want a round 2 fine by me we will show them the might of American army"
"China shot first!!"
"History is repeating itself."
"China do want a round 2? Can't stand the fact you lost"
"Fellow patriots time to arm up to destroy china."

"This John from fox news due to china recent aggression against America the Pentagon has decided to sent troops to Anchorage Alaska to protect the state as several Chinese subs has been detected by the american military with general Abraham saying and I repeat the exact words he said"china stop intruding of American waters or else we will not hesitate to use force to do so."This just in Congress has allowed further increase in military spending to allow the us military to remain a force to be reckoned with in this new world of tension where war could spark of at any moment.Anchrage Alaska has seen a huge amount of military equipment flooding the state to fortify the state from Chinese forces as sighting of Chinese subs and drones can been spying on Alaska many military analysis has speculated that china is trying to understand the geography of Alaska."

Comments section
"Boys,looks like we are officially in the fallout timeline except this time the nukes will be dropping sooner."
"I don't want to get vaporized by a bomb."
"I live near a us military base I think I should move out"
"My doomsday prepping is worth it after all now no want call me crazy."
"Make peace not war!"
"America will win"

President dirrel sat in the oval office with a sigh on his face and said"china is being more aggressive in their territorial claims in the south china sea.The world is going crazy."

General Abraham said"I know sir,there is good news fallout america has accepted to join our alliance to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear bomb.We are trying to get their tech for power armor but they are still skeptical as power armor is what allowed america troops to combat the overwhelming numerical superiority of the PLA and does not help the fact that some groups in america want to share power armor tech with china and I quote of them saying to make war fair."

Activision has announced that they will be a making a game about the resource war with a trailer being released the name of the game is called "Call of duty the resource

Comments section
"Time to kill some commies"
"Activision will have lots of material to cover as the resources war cover around 25 years of conflict you can make a movie about this."

A non profit game making organization has just received enough funding to make a game about the resource war but the game is about dating nations reimagine as anime girls and the main protagonist must try to date the moemorphism version of nations to prevent a nuclear war the name of the game is called "Date a nation"

Comments section
"I would want to buy it"
"So we are dating nations now"
"Everyday we stray further away from god"
"So basically harem anime plot"
"Nah thus is a yandere harem as the girls you date can launch nuclear bombs at each other and cause a apocalypse."
"Who is best girl"
"America san is best girl"
"I can imagine America chan in the game as a extremely paranoid girlfriend that will fire nukes at anyone that threatens to take her boyfriend away from her."
"A visual novel?"

National geographic has announced that they will be making a documentary of the resources war called"Before the fallout" hype for the documentary is high.

Fallout belongs to
Betheasda softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

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