Operation Link up finale

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"This is John from fox news,it appears that today is the final stage of operation link up where the modern forces in the special region will meet up with one another improving security in the annexed areas.
The Pentagon had recently announced of a upgraded A-10 warthog as based on what is released so far the upgraded A-10 warthog has a energy shields installed on it"-fox news

Fort vautris
"Alright men of the US military today we are going to assault the city of Dale ,we take this city the operation link up will end,this will allow trade between both worlds better as we won't have to drive through dangerous places."Jackson said

"Men of the jsdf today we are going to assault the city of Dale, fallout america F108 rapier and jsdf F-4EJ Phantom II will be conducting an air raid over the city.",itami said

Fallout american and jsdf troops begin to check their weapons,some jsdf troops seems nervous about going to battle but fallout america troops can been seen helping them telling them what to do in battle as most of them are veterans of the sino american war.

City of Dale
Explosions rock the city of Dale only to be accompanied by the screams of the dying and the hail of grief, centaurs is simply blown to shreds by plasma bombs and by air to air missiles.

The F-4EJ Phantom II with it's
1x 20mm M61 Vulcan rotary cannon opened up and shredded any opposition in it's way many imperial troops died by the storm of lead raining down on them followed by fallout america F108 rapier opened up with HER90 heavy air to air laser cannons strafing the walls of the city and the defenses.This continued for the next 10 minutes killing at least 50000 troops in the process.

The jets then returned back to base and now it's the infantry job to take the city of Dale.

Due to the 3rd recon team want to know more about their fallout america counterpart they requested they be in the same IFV as captain Jackson squad which Jackson agreed.

Inside the IFV
"Andrew right,you better show me your gauss rifle later okay."Shino Kuribayashi said

"What is up with you obsessing over my guass rifle?"Andrew said

"I want to see sci Fi weapons in action and in first person!"Shino Kuribayashi said

"Don't forget me,I want to see your gauss rifle later."Takeo Kurata said

"We did a demo when we went to your earth."Andrew said

"But that is on TV we went to be there in the flesh when you use your sci Fi weapon or I call a railgun."Takeo Kurata said

"You will get to see my gauss rifle in action soon."Andrew said

Suddenly the IFV stop and the ramp to the door of the IFV opened and 3rd recon team alongside with captain Jackson squad move out of the vehicle and begin to assault the city.

Arrows flew through the air but none hit, Jackson activated VATS as he raised his all American assault rifle while picking five archers standing at the wall of the fort that is still standing and fired five shots the 5.56 round hit all 5 archers in the head,their blood splatter around the walls of the fort.

Sergeant gusty and assaulttron alongside fallout america troops in t-51b suits of power armor smash through the gate of the city as one of the power armor troops launch a mini nuke at the gate of the city blowing the city gate wide open.

City of Dale
"You are men of sadera the bravest men falmart has ever seen what ever come through that gate you will stand your ground!"Legate Doras said although he is still terrified of the invisible killings he need to make a good example for his men.

Suddenly the gate of the city exploded sending wooden pieces flying in all direction and then they hear heavy footsteps instead of infantry that the imperial army is expecting they saw iron golems and metal monstrosity with tentacles.

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