Assault on city of tirith

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Alnus hill
"We need to take the port of proptor so that we can have a straight line to the capital city of sadera."General Hazama said

The screen on the jsdf base soon showed the face of general William Wales

"Yes I agree with taking the port of proptor, but I have another idea.Based on my spies and information from the former queen of the warrior bunnies,queen tyuule she said that the Saderan empire has a back up city called telta according to her it is a back up city shall the empire falls."General William Wales said

"So what are you suggesting William?"General Hazama asked

"Well I suggest we take the city of tirith which is near the blue sea and is extremely close to the port of proptor as just need take another city after that we will have proptor in our sights,after we take the port of proptor we will have a direct way straight to the capital."general William Wales said

"Then why do you bring those ICBMs to the special region?"General Hazama asked

"Simple, because sadera is too big and when we capture zorzal we make him surrender but if the rest of the Saderan empire and her allies still want to fight after surrender we will unleash the ICBMs destroying our enemies in a blaze of nuclear inferno."General William Wales said

General Hazama shivered as he thought that using nuclear weapons on a empire that only uses, swords,bows and axes is extreme.

"Ok so what is the plan?"Hazama asked

"The first is too take the city of tirith,the city has a approximately 20000 troops guarding it,with most of it being non-humans,most of the forces there is made up of trolls,Ogre, goblins,orcs with some elves and men."General William Wales said

"How do you know that?"general Hazama asked

"Queen tyuule,she has supplied us with information and is helping the imperial army to plan military offensive against us, don't worry she has said she will try to make the imperial army exposed to our weapons so we can kill them more easily."General William Wales said

"That is good,the sudden change of the imperial army shocks me as normally human male will be the main fighting force.I think they may have a shortage of human male in the empire this spells trouble as there will be a gender imbalance in the special region which is bad."General Hazama said

"They started this,we will end it,is only a matter of time and deaths this empire will sustain."General William Wales said

"Tyuule also said that there is magical artefacts there that is saved during the firebombing of rondel,with most of it being offensive weapons so those must be destroyed immediately to prevent casualties."General William Wales said

The screen hosting general William Wales soon faded away.

"Tell the jsdf they will be assaulting a city soon."General Hazama said to a soldier in his office

The soldier nodded and went to relay his message.

After a while jsdf jets armed with air to air missiles flew towards the city of tirith to unleash their their payloads,the jsdf jets is soon met up fallout america F108 rapier flying alongside them.

City of tirith
Explosions rock the city of tirith the place, screams of beast and men could be heard as the air to air missiles fired by the jsdf jets impacted fortifications of the city reducing it to mere ruble.Fallout america jets also fired their 5 of their 12 × GAR-9A air-to-air missiles towards magical artefacts of the city destroying those magical artefacts as fallout america fears that magic will cause trouble towards them and the jsdf.F108 rapier soon opened up it's 4 HER90 heavy air to air laser cannons strafing the walls of the city killing even more defenders many of the city defenders did not even see what killed them as they just cease to exist when hit by the laser cannons of the F108 rapier.

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