Exploring New Vegas part 3, Gomorrah part 1

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"what do you mean PETA activist members are killed?"bimore asked

"It seemed they went to a deathclaw and mirelurk queen nest to protest for animal rights causing them to get mauled to death and those who survived the ordeal went to a settlement and asked for help in return for chinese money only for the settlers to think that they are the chinese infiltrator that help nuke america so they open fire on them to get revenge."Jackson said

"Damm,is the wasteland shoot first ask later?"bimore said

"Yes,there a reason it is called a wasteland where reality hits you in the face.The wasteland does not hide it's evil behind a facade,it shows it."Jackson said

"Yea,when life is too comfortable and not have to worry about stuff you made up your own stuff to worry about and when the real things go down you will be the first to go."bimore said

"Yea,I agree now let's not talk about it I feel sorry the PETA members that got killed but they sign their own death warrant and besides they went there illegally.lets continue our tour of New Vegas."Jackson said

"So where are we going next?"Cody asked

"We are going to Gomorrah which is basically a hotel and casinos."Jackson said

"Is everywhere in New Vegas just hotels and casino.This is a city of sin."Cody said

"This is Vegas we are talking about here the city of sin."Jackson replied

"You are right."Cody replied

"This is Trevor from CNN can you tell me more about this 'Gomorrah' I know that this is a hotel and casino but we have went to mutiple casinos and hotels already so what makes this special?"Trevor asked

"Glad you asked that let me explain where other casinos may appeal to patrons seeking a refined atmosphere, Gomorrah does not put on false pretenses and embraces the themes of vice, prolific in Vegas. Attractions of the casino include prostitution, alcohol, chems and gambling, along with featuring such amenities as silk sheets on the beds. The casino's entire theme revolves around excessive debauchery. Gomorrah is the only casino to be ghoul friendly, even having ghoul bartenders and prostitutes, as well as offering services to ghouls."Jackson explained

"Wait ghouls?are they zombies?"Trevor asked

"No,there is a difference a feral ghouls is where they have lost their sanity and will attack anyone that is not a ghoul and a non feral ghoul is someone with very damaged skin but they still retain their sanity."Jackson said

"So zombies,may I ask how long can a ghoul live?"Trevor asked

"According to test done on feral ghouls, ghouls are immortal."Jackson said

"Wait immortal,so how are they created? is it some sort of super technology your nation crested?"Trevor asked

"No,they are not created by any technology,they are created when one is exposed to high amount of radiation."Jackson said

"So one can be immortal when exposed to radiation?"Trevor asked

"No, don't do that the reason some turn to ghouls is due to a gene and don't expose yourself to radiation,you will have a very bad time if you do that,I don't want to be the blame of many people deaths."Jackson replied

The interview is livestreamed to gate earth where people upon seeing this immediately rush to a nearby nuclear power plant in the hopes that they can be immortal, especially in gate earth America.The US department of energy released a statement saying"I REPEAT DO NOT TRY TO EXPOSE YOURSELF TO RADIATION TO GAIN IMMORTALITY ALTHOUGH FALLOUT AMERICA HAS PROVEN THAT RADIATION CAN MAKE ONE IMMORTAL BUT THAT IS A VERY LOW CHANCE, SO FOR YOUR SAFETY DO NOT I REPEAT EXPOSE YOURSELF TO RADIATION."

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