Interviews part 1

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"The Alaskan talks have resulted in total failure as ease of easing tensions between America and china have failed.China has accused America of warmongering as China have been a vocal critic of America actions of helping fallout america rebuild her military.China president Dong Dechou said"America is trying to resurrect a crazy America that invaded china in which is basically world war 3 which pushed the world into nuclear war in fallout earth.America is trying to maintain its power on earth by enlisting the help of a crazy America to help do it's bidding.This must not stand the Chinese people is furious with this."-CNN

"This is Sofia from MSNBC I am getting an inclusive interview with china president dong Dechou to get the other side perspective as we here at MSNBC is a fair and just news station.

"Good afternoon President Dechou,if you don't mind me asking why are you accusing America of warmongering?"Sofia asked

"Simple, America is helping fallout america military to rebuild and that's not to say that other nations is also sending aid as well.Lets get to history of fallout earth right now.Look fallout america invaded fallout china with military force that is not allowed in the civilized world,then fallout earth went up in nuclear flames due to fallout america pushing deep into mainland fallout china during the sino american war.Due to this I can safely say that the nuclear war is fallout america fault."President Dong Dechou said

"But, fallout china shot first as stated by the records as NORAD detected Chinese launch on October 23 2077."Sofia replied

"I know,the reason fallout china launched her nukes is because of fallout america troops pushed too deep into the mainland provoking an all out nuclear response.Look Miss you have to sympathize with fallout china as fallout china is invaded by fallout america during the war.Fallout america used chemical munitions and biological weapons on Chinese troops and civilians killing millions.Due to this revelation the CCP have decided that fallout america must not join NATO who knows what kinds of anti communist antics fallout america is up to these days.NATO is feeding a monster right now.It is only a matter of years before fallout america regain her pre war military might which will spell trouble for china claims to the south china sea.As we china can deal with one america but two america that is the apocalypse."President Dong Dechou said

"But fallout china used chemical munitions as well during the Anchorage campaign killing untold amounts of fallout american troops and civilians."Sofia said

"That is because fallout china is desperate to survive as fallout china can't feed the population of 3 billion so it needs the resources and technology of fallout america to survive but when the fallout PLA landed on fallout american soil those pesky fallout american soldiers fought ferociously to prevent fallout PLA troops to take over the land as firstly progress is quick for the fallout PLA but as the fallout PLA advanced further it become a stalemate in Alaska.Fallout china soon become dragged into a long war which it can't afford thus chemical weapons and biological weapons are allowed to be used on fallout american soldiers and civilians to quickly get rid of resistance but then those corrupt fallout US military return the favor by hitting fallout china with chemical and biological weapons which is clearly banned in war."President Dong Dechou said

"That is a stretch to take in."Sofia replied

"I know,now let's move on to the next reason why fallout america must not be allowed to join NATO as china can't have another century of humiliation the very existence of fallout america is a cancer to china as fallout america invaded fallout china.This sends out a very dangerous precident as this shows that china can be invaded and not invincible do you know that due to the history of the sino american war many nations that china have border disputes is now actively challenging us not sitting idly by as before but actually saying that china is a paper dragon.The very presence of fallout america encourages very dangerous behavior.Do you know that the vietnamese navy has threatened to blow up Chinese warships coming to close their territory what a loss of life that could have been if it had been carried out."President dong Dechou said

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