The European commonwealth civil war history revealed

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Mr house soon set up his business in gate earth america as a trial if his products will be of interest to gate earth as the culture between the 2 earth is different.

Mr house securitron robots has caught the interest of gate earth military with many military generals is planning to buy Mr house securitron to sent them to Okinawa and other US bases near china as these securitron is made to withstand in a post nuclear climate environment so gate earth us military thought it is a good idea to deploy the robots there.

Mr house products is extremely successful like the Mr handy which is a collaboration between Robco industries and general atomics international,the reason for it's success is due to its durability as even after the bombs fell the robots still function which many people want with thus scoring high points in it's review system.Due to this event many gate earth companies partnered with Mr house on how to make their products last longer even centuries as although fallout earth tech may look they are in the 1950s they are more durable then modern technology.

Mr house also release the footage of the upgrade securitron showing the gatling lasers carried by these robots as they turn bandits to ash the video gain hundreds of millions of views.

Comments section
"I want one of those securitron as a bodyguard"
"I wonder how will the Chinese army fare against these securitron in battle."
"New weapons of freedom and democracy."

At the UN
Due to president Daniel making a deal with the European union mostly the chancellor of Germany to find out more the European commonwealth civil war so historians can make ways to prevent the resource war from happening and to reduce tensions between the European union.

Chancellor of Germany Merkel said"Mr president remember the deal we made? You promised us that you will dig up information on what happened to the European commonwealth during the resource wars in exchange for that information we will supply your nation with aid to rebuild it from the ashes of a nuclear holocaust."

President Daniel said"Yes,I have found out about the European commonwealth civil war the history is very bloody I hope you won't be disturbed by it."

Chancellor Merkel said"one must face reality so I am ready to hear it infact the whole world is ready to hear it."

President Daniel then started to explain the European commonwealth civil war due to the pyrrhic victory of the middle eastern war led to a dissent, an unease on the European home front. Fallout Great Britain and fallout France now had to deal with dissent and insurgencies in their colonies, and the collapse of infrastructure in the middle east led to chaos and confusion as soldiers attempted to return to their home countries. What was supposed to be a war to provide more resources had actually had the opposite effect, and many smaller nations began to go bankrupt that spring. The final meeting of the commonwealth delegates took place on January 11, 2060 in Brussels, Belgium.

Many countries part of European commonwealth complained that they can no longer afford the war effort and announce their departure from the European commonwealth soon many many countries follow suit with fallout Germany being the one of the first to pull out followed by many other countries.Soon the European commonwealth collapse into nothing the thing that tied the Europeans together is gone making a breeding ground for war.

New elections soon take place due to a world rapidly running out of resources war fallout European nations soon elected many military parties and right wing extremist into power like the Konrad Heller, newly elected German chancellor and member of the radical "Democratic Socialist People's Party", made plans to annex several nations with significant German populations, such as Austria and Luxembourg. Yugoslavia elected a Marxist-styled governments into power, while Bulgaria, Hungary and Finland turned to fascism.

Fallout France soon made pacts with fallout great Britain, fallout Italy, fallout Norway and fallout Netherlands to fend off several facist states. Fallout Germany chancellor heller demand several parts of europe to be annexed.This caused controversy, as Heller demanded that Germany be allowed to annex the German-speaking portion of the former nation. France refused, and began to mobilize its Army along the eastern border. Tensions rose rapidly, and on February 29, a mis-communication on the French side led to a short exchange of artillery fire, culminating in the Germans responding with a rocket attack that decimated the village of Neuf-Brisach. This incident (Known as the "Fire on the Rhine") significantly wounded France's image on the diplomatic stage.

Towards the east, full-blown war erupted between fallout Hungary and fallout Romania. The fascist government of fallout Hungary had its eyes on fallout Romanian oil fields (One of the last sources of petroleum in Europe), and after a staged attack on the fallout Hungarian chancellery, tanks rolled over the border, initially making huge gains in Transylvania. Fallout Britain and fallout France were horrified, but there was little that could be done to stop the bloodshed.

President Daniel then begin to narrate the early hostiles as on April 1st fallout Germany offer an ultimatum to the fallout Swiss government, demanding that they cede all German-speaking region.This did not bode well for the fallout swiss government and refused fallout France soon pledge soon pledge support to the fallout swiss government to resist fallout Germany.

For a week there is little activity until on April 10, when the Luftwaffe bombed Bern, fallout France and fallout Italy declared war on fallout Germany. However, Heller had relied on this, and ordered a swift mechanized advance into the Alsace region of fallout France, taking Strasbourg on the 11th. Later that day, the fallout British also declared war on fallout Germany, following up with a combined Anglo-Italian thrust into the Austrian Alps.
In the Balkans, the Yugoslav Army launched a simultaneous, two-pronged thrust into fallout Albania and fallout Bulgaria, planning on intimidating fallout Greece into avoiding war over a planned invasion of fallout Romania.

President Daniel then begin to explain the expansion as during the summer the fallout British and fallout French forces were stretched thin when fallout Spain invaded the fallout British port of Gibraltar, and began bombing border posts on the fallout Franco-Spanish border. With most of their support gone, the fallout German government felt confident enough to open up a second front in the east on July 9th, with the German Luftwaffe bombing Prague and Warsaw. On July 12, the fallout Hungarian Army took advantage of the fallout German aggression, and launched an air-based invasion of the Slovak regions. With the majority of the fallout Czechoslovak military fighting the fallout Germans in the west, the Slovak capital fell three days later

President Daniel then begin to explain fallout USSR at first remain neutral but is later dragged into the European commonwealth civil war as fallout Germany begin to turn east towards fallout USSR which soon turned ugly as the premier of fallout USSR issue a warning towards the fallout German army saying that if fallout Germany is to continue it's expansion, fallout USSR will respond by deploying troops across Poland.
Fallout Germany did not heed the warning and soon Fallout USSR forces poured through the Soviet border to defend fallout Poland from fallout Germany the fighting is fierce soon fallout Germany relented it's invasion of Poland as they don't want to risk a war with fallout USSR with fallout Germany chancellor heller saying"A war with the USSR is a bad idea."

President Daniel then finished his narration of the European commonwealth civil war the world is shocked, president Daniel can only speculate that he may have made tensions even worst now,he now wished he had not spilled the history of the European commonwealth civil war.

President Daniel said"This is the history of the European commonwealth civil war.This is the best I can find about the history as some records is destroyed by the nuclear war of 2077."

The UN meeting room is quiet and president Daniel said to himself "I may have just caused a huge diplomatic incident."

Fallout belongs to
Betheasda softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

History of the European commonwealth civil war

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