Assault on the city of hiron

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City of hiron
Explosions rock the city as fallout america and jsdf jets soared through the sky with unimaginable might and power.The jets rained down missiles to destroy enemy fortifications and catapults.Fallout america F108 rapier rain strafe the walls with it's 4 HER90 heavy air to air laser cannons killing all of the defenders stationed at the wall.

"Men get onto the wall of the fort now,we need to stop the otherworlders from taking the city of hirion,if the otherworlders takes the city of hirion then they have a clear path towards the port of proptor through the blue sea!The city must not fall to the savages!"Legate dresha

Imperial forces rushed to the walls of the fort where they find ashes of their former comrades there.Many of them screamed at the sight as many does not want to turn to ash.

Due to the saderan empire turning to worship hardy only,hardy gave the Saderan empire more access to dark creatures of sadera such as orcs,trolls,goblins and ogres to fight against the otherworlders.

200m away from the fort
Fallout america and jsdf vehicles carrying troops drop of their troops 200m away from the city

Jackson and his men run alongside the jsdf 3rd recon team

Jackson then entered VATS and picked his targets,the archers on the wall of the fort.He picked 5 targets,3 of those are elves and 2 of those are human.He fired 5 shots of his all American assault rifle at his targets,all 5 targets hit their target in the head killing those arches instantly,blood splatter all around the place.

Fallout america troops in the X-01 power armor suit took out several mutiple fatman launchers and fired it at the gate of the city.The city gates is blasted open with titanic force as several mini nukes detonated at once at the gate sending wooden shrapnel all over the place.

Fallout american troops in the X-01 power armor rushed into the city to clear the area near the gate to prevent their forces in a chokehold scenario.

Goblins,orcs and trolls rushed to the gate to kill the otherworlders but to no avail.

The fallout american troops in the X-01 power armor turned their laser gatling guns and aimed it at the goblins,orcs and trolls in which the goblins,orcs,trolls were turned to ash some tried to run but were turn to ash.Ogres entered the scene but were taken care by mini nukes fired the power armor troopers

Fallout america vertibird commit mini nuke runs where the enemy is bunch up together killing hundreds in the process.Jsdf helicopters opened up with their chainguns turning those at the receiving end to fine red mist.

Mustard gas munitions were released on the trolls on the other side the city by the vertibirds the mustard gas melted the internal organs of the trolls making their death extremely painfull.

Itami saw 3 elves running towards him and fired his Howa Type 89 assault rifle,the elves dropped dead within meters of him

"Damm,that was a close one."itami said

Rory can be heard laughing as she threw herself towards the frontline where the fighting is the heaviest.

"Damm,she is crazy."Akira Tomita said

"Glad she is on our side."Mari Kurokawa said

Several screams can be heard as Rory chop the imperial troops to tiny pieces with their limps being flung everywhere.

"We need get into the city!let move!"itami shouted

The rest of the 3rd recon team nodded their heads and went towards the gate of the city.

Jackson and his men soon followed 3rd recon team footsteps.When they entered the city they saw fallout american troops in the X-01 power armor shooting their laser gatling guns at the goblins mowing down goblins after goblins.

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