Evil vs Evil

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Zorzal and his co begin to run away from dalmus hill.Colonel Johnson then said"Give them 5 minutes,then we begin, as they are primitives."After 5 minutes Johnson and his mem begin hunting down zorzal and his friends, it's is so easy to find them as Johnson found them enslaving a small village,he saw one of imperial general about rape a girl no more older than 16,he then lift his R91 assault rifle and fired the 5.56 round kill the imperial general immediately, remaining imperial troops were gunned down without mercy the villagers saw theses otherworlder killing these troops with such impunity to the point scared them but are grateful for saving them.

Zorzal then said"If you are people of honor,you will let me retreat and offer me food, as i am the crown prince of sadera."Oras then replied"This is the crown prince you are talking too,you savages you are just lucky you won the battle surrender now or you will be annihilated,refuse our demands we will commit acts of brutality so horrifying then your people will be mindless slave to the empire!"Johnson could not believe what he hearing these savages actually believe they can win,oh one of these actually threatened america he will make sure this "Oras" guy will die a slow and painful death.

Colonel Johnson then ordered his men to round up remaining imperial troops in the village and aim a rifle at their heads,some tried to resist only to have their brains splattered across the floor as 5.56 bullet tore their heads apart.Colonel Johnson then look at the villagers and said"You have no part of this leave, don't make me an enemy"the villagers immediately ran away from the village.

"Now I demand all of you to fight to the death for my entertainment,as saderan culture has gladiators who fought to the death,see I am very respectful of one culture."Johnson  said. Legate Oras then screamed"gladiators are slave who fight for our entertainment,I am a imperial general of the Saderan empire I demand to be treated with respect!" Johnson then shot his rifle at the Oras with a glancing shot.Oras immediately shut up.Johnson then said"The next time you open your imperial mouth I will put a bullet in your mouth,and if any of you win the matches you are free to go."
Oras then said"How we know you won't go back on your word."Johnson replied"I am a man of my word as a sign of good will, I will let all of you chose your own opponents but the matches must be fair."
A imperial soldier then said"Let me go first I chose." the imperial soldier then pointed at one of his comrade he could easily win,the two begins to fight the imperial soldier killed his comrade easily.Johnson then said"You are free to go" the imperial soldier immediately ran off.

Legate Oras then volunteered and said"If I win,I will be able go right?"
Johnson then said"I am a man of my word look at the previous imperial soldier."Legate Oras then chose one of the slave girl he took with him and said"This will be my enemy." When the match is about the start one of his men said"Wait,Sir you said the match must be fair so they must earn their freedom but I see this match as unfair." Johnson then said"What do you mean?" as Johnson acts to play along and he said"You are correct I will make it fair now,I said the matches must be fair right." Oras said"yes" unbeknownst to him Johnson took out his Chinese officer shock sword he looted from a Chinese officer during the battle of Nanjing.johnson then swung down the shock sword easily cutting one of Oras arms off.The electricity in the sword immediately caused a layer of burnt skin to form on Oras preventing his from dying of blood lost.Oras then said"You said it will be fair!"Johnson then said"You are fighting a slave girl who is severely weakened so I decided to make a fair fight,I did say the matches must be a fair fight."Johnson has actually planned for Oras death to be slow and painful when the fight begun,Oras immediately tries to pry his sword from his dismembered arm but while his trying to get his sword from his dismembered arm the slave girl immediately pierce him with a wooden stick,she just kept on stabbing him to the point he died of blood loss."Johnson then allowed the slave girl to escape. Zorzal and co of officers could not believe these otherworlders of dalmus hill possessed so much cruelty,so cruel are theses otherworlders that they might be mistaken for emroy.
Zorzal them shouted"You are a coward as you use staves to kill your enemy from afar and lightning sword that burns it's enemy,in war you face your enemy face to face I demand a fight with honor with no lighting swords as I am the best swordmen of sadera rivaling that of the apostles themselves!" Johnson then replied"Fine,I accept your challenge if you win,I will let all of you escape but if you lose you will all be killed."Zorzal being the arrogant person he is acceptable the challenge as herm shouted"My lord will prevail as he is born of divine right to rule sadera and your world!" Johnson then found 2 swords and give one of it to zorzal.Zorzal then begun the fight by taking the initiative as he swung his sword at Johnson only Johnson to casually block it.Every swung zorzal gave to Johnson, Johnson deflected the strike with ease from this primitive monkey and Johnson Wondered" is this the best swordman in sadera history,this is pathetic."After 5 minutes zorzal later zorzal is on the ground as he is exhausted.Zorzal said"How is this possible I am the crown prince of sadera I am-" only for Johnson to cut the crown prince off by saying"Maybe you are weak oh well I will end this,oh don't worry I won't kill you with a sword,you are a royal and royals usually bury themselves with treasures, I will ensure you will have a treasure on your head."Johnson then immediately ordered his men to start a fire and take a cooking pot from the now deserted village, Johnson men then start stripping the dead imperial general of gold and put it in the pot to melt it the process is speed up with laser weaponry as some of Johnson men aim their lasers rifle at the gold they collected melting them easily.

Zorzal saw this and begin to worry and said"What are you doing."
Johnson replied"Your afterlife gift tell the gods I say hello,your civilization is primitive thinking they own the world just because they develop swords,bows and some magic pathetic,my world has weapons that could bathed cities with a heat of star, weapons that fly across the world faster than the speed of sound and yet you have the aduacity to threatened my nation with slavery,you think you could get away with this?" As Johnson brought the melting pot filled with molten gold to zorzal then thought to himself ,the women he will enslave for pleasure,the nations he will conquer,the songs that will be sung in his honor for generations to come,all of it will be gone. Johnson then said"ah a emperor of a empire must have crown of gold." Johnson then lift up the boiling pot filled with molten gold ready to pour it on zorzal head then he smelled something funny, the crown prince zorzal has just pooped his own pants.Unable to contain himself from laughter Johnson drop the the molten pot of gold on Infront of zorzal causing zorzal to also urinate himself.

Johnson said"well I shall spare you today,I am amused by your reaction."

Johnson and his men walked leaving zorzal to comprehend what happened.When Johnson reached back to dalmus hill he said"well,looks like I have a new toy to play with,I hope you won't disappoint my little toy."as an evil smirk appeared on his face, already thinking ways to make Zorzal lives a living hell.Little do Zorzal know he is in a world of horror ready to come his way.

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