exploring big mt finale and welcome to new vegas

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Gate earth personnel soon woke up and get ready to start the new day many still can't believe that they are in a different earth where nuclear war happened.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen today we are going to wrap up the last of the tour of big mt and continue to Vegas or should I say new Vegas."Jackson said

A CNN reporter named Trevor said"Do you mind if I can do a interview with muggy the robot thing?"

"You can do a interview with him." Jackson replied

CNN begin to flim the interview

"This is Trevor from CNN,you are muggy I would like to ask you some questions if you don't mind."

"What is it I need to clean the dirty mugs the people the thought of dirty mugs made up so angry."muggy said

"Ok,ok I will make it short, why are you so obsessed with dirty mugs?" Trevor asked

"Of course I am obsessed! They made me this way! You think I don't know how I crazy I sound? Of course I do!They program me this way."muggy replied

"What are supposed to do with dirty mugs?"Trevor asked

" I am supposed to keep them clean -oh god,the thought of all the dirty dishes out there made me crazy."muggy replied

"I think I have come to the end of the interview."Trevor said

The event is livestream to gate earth many people are surprised at the level of technology in big mt with them expressing their reaction in the comments section below.

Comments section
"I very would like to have muggy to be a companion."
"Muggy looks cute."
"So fallout america is basically Japan in weirdness I find it ironic the 2 gates that opened to the special region is both hit by nukes as Japan was hit by nukes in 1945 and fallout America in 2077."
"Is fallout earth in the same universe as us or are they are in another universe"
"Muggy is best robot"
"No the stealth suit waifu is the best."

"Alright since the interview is over I want to show you the last of big mt crazy technology,anime lovers will no doubt love this"Jackson said

"What do you mean? another mark 2 stealth suit?"bimore said

"You will see I bring all of you there I recommend the media to continue to flim it as the interaction will be very interesting."Jackson said

Jackson soon brought them to light switch 01 and said"This is a light switch they have a female personality and they are created by big mt."

Light switch 01 said""Is the light level to your liking?" In a female voice

light switch 01 said" Maybe we could dim the lights and have a candlelit discussion of classic literature?"

"Hey,now not the time be flirting we have guests here, say hi to them."Jackson said

"Hi, I am light switch 01 from big mt please to meet you."light switch 01 said.

"Unlike certain other lightswitches, I'm competent, I'd just love to turn those lights on for you."light switch 01 said in a seductive tone

"Maybe later."Jackson said

"What is your scientist up to during the war why is there so many weird stuff here."bimore said

"This is big mt where the technology of the future is being created."Jackson replied.

"Never have I thought I would fall for a light switch."A UN soldier said.

"So fallout america created stealth suit ai waifu and now they create waifu light switch just what did the nuclear war did to them?"another UN soldier said

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