Exploring Washington DC Part 2

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When the gate earth personnel is in the SafeZone captain Samuel Jackson along with his squad is given new orders by general William Wales.
General William Wales said"I want you to promise me one thing you must never tell the gate earth about the knowledge of the zetans, don't worry, the crashed UFO and the alien corpses is taken to the Cheyenne mountain complex you can show them raven rock and how we dealt with the rouge AI president EDEN we have lots of tales to tell our non apocalyptic counterpart."

"Yes sir,I won't let you down tho I figured that the knowledge of UFOs will scare the gate earth how about this I recommend once tensions around the world cools down we tell them the knowledge of the zetans but first we tell gate earth america about it first as they are us just without the nuclear war.oh by the way the crazy AI president that's a crazy ride when we are trying to subdue it."Jackson replied.

"Ok I agree with your plan and yea the AI president EDEN is one crazy ride glad we took care of it actually I am thinking of creating a book about how the US military restored order to america after the bombs fell."William Wales said.

"Bet there will be high sales especially in gate earth america." Jackson replied

Jackson left to fetch the gate earth personnel to take them to Raven rock to see the zax computer.General William Wales and president Daniel decided to contact president dirrel to inform them about the zetans.

Cheyenne mountain complex
President Daniel contacted president dirrel to discuss something extremely important that should not be leak to the public and that is the existence of aliens.

"President dirrel what I am about to say is top secret as I don't trust the gate earth media about it."Daniel said

"What is it so important that you don't trust the media?"dirrel asked

"Zetans or you called it aliens,the zetans has been kidnapping people since the 1600 don't worry we have taken care of it and taken over their ship during our efforts to restore order throughout america."Daniel said

"Is there any weapons on board?"dirrel asked

"Yes,an extremely powerful laser beam that can destroy a small country in one strike more powerful than a nuclear bomb that's why I this to remain a secret as this will no doubt spark panic and backlash the PRC will no doubt want it and will accuse my nation of hoarding advance tech."Daniel said

"Why are you telling me this?"dirrel asked

"Well,you are technically the president of another america and one of our closest ally so called it an act of trust I hope you can keep it secret?"Daniel said

"Of course but I also want to know about alien tech you don't mind if I secretly sent scientist over to study to reverse engineer alien tech to deal with china as china is claiming territory in the south china sea."dirrel asked

"I will allowed it besides we both has a common enemy china."Daniel said

The meeting soon ended and president Daniel said"swap the crew on mothership zeta with a new crew as the old crew has been there for months."
General William Wales said"of course Mr president."

Washington DC
In one of the sub levels of the Pentagon gate earth personnel stayed there in one of the safe zone.Jackson arrived back to them and said"Today we are going to Raven rock where we dealt with a rouge AI president that tries to wipe out the inhabitants of the wasteland by contaminating the water with the fev, questions can be asked later when we reached Raven rock a vertibird will here in 30 minutes suit up and let's go."

30 minutes later a vertibird soon landed outside the ruins of the Pentagon, gate earth personnel along with Jackson and his men boarded the vertibird to get to Raven rock.When the vertibird reached Raven rock they can see the entrance blown open gate earth personnel is curious on what can take the entrance of raven rock.

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